terça-feira, 31 de março de 2015
E-books Microsoft para download
Pessoal, a notícia não é tão nova, porém vale a pena compartilhar, o MVA da Microsoft esta disponibilizando diversos livros para download, inclusive alguns de Azure, System Center, Win2012, SQL e mais, vale a pena dar uma olhada:
segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2015
Estudos para o CCIE - 2
Bom pessoal,
Continuando a saga rumo ao CCIE:
A primeira boa noticia foi que em praticamente metade do mês eu consegui acordar as 2 horas mais cedo para estudar, sendo que consegui adiantar bem os vídeos na parte de roteamento e já concluí os de EIGRP e estou terminando os de RIP.
Outra coisa boa que percebi é que como estou assitindo muito os vídeos, meu inglês (listening) está melhorando bastante também.
Porém como todo consultor, eu não tenho local fixo de trabalho e acabei indo pra um cliente mais longe da minha casa, gasto em torno de 1 hora e meia para chegar e voltar, mas estou utilizando esse tempo para ler o official guide vol 1 que já li praticamente a metade.
Outro grande problema foi o montar os Labs para roteamento, pois já tinha deixado pronto o lab em casa com os 10 CSR1000v porém com a versão desatualizada que não aceitava os comandos necessários para criar o ambiente de DMVPN, acabei perdendo um dia para baixar e configurar o lab com a última versão :(
Agora vamos ao que foi estudado:
- Criei 2 labs para estudar a parte de roteamento do workbook, o primeiro foi criado em um server que tenho em casa (16Gb, 300HD e processador Xeon com vários núcleos) com ESXI 5.1 e 10 CSR 1000V rodando nele, perdi algum tempo automatizando a inicialização das VMs (demora cerca de 5 minutos para o ambiente estar disponível), além das configurações básicas dos Routers, criei algumas confs no SecureCRT para logar e abrir todas as VMs de uma vez.
- O segundo Lab criei no note com o GNS3 e rodando 10 7200 com IOS 15.1 (4)M, para quando eu estiver em clientes ou quando sobrar algum tempo para estudar.
- Nos materiais que disponibilizei para download tem as configurações de cada laborátorio, a topologia é feita em cima de subinterfaces e fica parecendo com essa:
- Os vídeos até o momento são bem parecidos com os do CCNP, a única diferença que notei é que ele aborda muito mais ambientes com NBMA e muiltiponto, além da manipulação das rotas serem mais complexas, já no EIGRP a diferença fica por conta do EIGRP Named Mode que assisti porém não fiz os labs pois ainda não cheguei no workbook.
- Uma observação importante sobre os vídeos de Layer 2 WAN Cirtcuits é que eles devem ser feitos na prática e que podem ser feitos em umas 3 horas.
- Os labs até o momento funcionaram muito bem nos 2 tipos de lab que criei, porém percebi alguns probleminhas utilizando o ip sla (o comeando show track não retorna valores) nos labs feitos no GNS3.
Bom acho que esse mês estou conseguindo estudar bem, mesmo ocorrendo algumas mudanças :)
terça-feira, 24 de março de 2015
Crypto Rave 2015
Pessoal, no próximo mês irá acontecer a segunda edição do Crypto Rave que na verdade é um evento voltado para segurança da informação com mais de 37 atividades sobre security, criptografia, hacking, anonimato etc.
O evento ocorrerá durante 24 horas nos dias 24 e 25 de abril.
A lista de palestrantes ainda não foi divulgada, mas assim que for eu coloco aqui no blog.
A edição deste ano está arrecadando fundos para financiar o evento, vamos colaborar, vale a pena:
Obs. vale a pena pra quem curte música eletrônica também :)
segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015
Livros IPv6 e Labs Cisco
Pessoal, hoje chegaram 2 novos livros pra coleção, IPv6 o novo protocolo da internet e Laboratórios de Tecnologias Cisco, na verdade já são até velhinhos, porém resolvi postar aqui no blog porque achei um excelente trabalho do professor Samuel Henrique Bucke Brito.
O livro de IPv6 é sem sombra de dúvidas um dos melhores (se não o melhor) livro sobre IPv6 em pt, já o livro de labs melhorou muito em relação ao primeiro (muito mesmo, quase 200 páginas a mais).
Aconselho comprar com os 2 com os 20% de desconto do blog do professor:
Porém você pode comprar diretamente do site da editora:
Os livros vão me ajudar nos estudos pro CCIE e acredito que devemos valorizar/apoiar qualquer tipo de iniciativa didática na nossa área que aqui no Brasil ainda carece muito de incentivo.
O livro de IPv6 é sem sombra de dúvidas um dos melhores (se não o melhor) livro sobre IPv6 em pt, já o livro de labs melhorou muito em relação ao primeiro (muito mesmo, quase 200 páginas a mais).
Aconselho comprar com os 2 com os 20% de desconto do blog do professor:
Porém você pode comprar diretamente do site da editora:
Os livros vão me ajudar nos estudos pro CCIE e acredito que devemos valorizar/apoiar qualquer tipo de iniciativa didática na nossa área que aqui no Brasil ainda carece muito de incentivo.
sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2015
15 Top-Paying Certifications for 2015
Bom pessoal, encontrei um artigo interessante sobre as 15 Certificações que mais pagam no mercado americano, o artigo foi baseado em uma pesquisa realizada pela Global Knowledge and Windows IT Pro e leva em conta a quantidade mínima de respostas dos profissionais de T.I (algumas certificações que pagam mais ficaram de fora como o CCIE e o VCDX), mas mesmo assim segue como um guia para onde seguir a carreira, principalmente por essas informações:
" Of this year's top-paying certifications:
Five are in security (1, 2, 3, 5, and 13).
Three are in business (4, 6, and 12).
Three are in networking (7, 9, and 10)."
15 Top-Paying Certifications for 2015
John Hales, Global Knowledge VMware, SDN, and SoftLayer instructor, A+, Network+, CTT+, MCSE, MCDBA, MOUS, VCP, VCAP, VCI, EMCSA
To gain refined skills and expertise and to increase pay, many IT professionals choose to pursue a certification.
Based on the findings of the 2015 IT Skills and Salary Survey conducted by Global Knowledge and Windows IT Pro in the fall of 2014, I've compiled a list of the 15 top-paying certifications for 2015. Certifications in IT security, networking, and systems management are at the top of the certification pay scale. What may surprise you are the business-related certifications holding their own on this year's list.
The rankings are derived from certifications that received the minimum number of responses to be statistically relevant. Certain certifications pay more but are not represented due to their exclusive nature. Examples include Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE) and VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX).
With each certification, you'll find the average (mean) salary and a brief description.
The IT Skills and Salary Survey is a nationwide survey. Variations exist based on respondents' work location, years of experience, and company type (government, nonprofit, etc.).
1. Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)
The nonprofit group ISACA offers CRISC certification, much in the way that CompTIA manages the A+ and Network+ certifications. Formerly, "ISACA" stood for Information Systems Audit and Control Association, but now they've gone acronym only.
The CRISC certification is designed for IT professionals, project managers, and others whose job it is to identify and manage risks through appropriate Information Systems (IS) controls, covering the entire lifecycle, from design to implementation to ongoing maintenance. It measures two primary areas: risk and IS controls. Similar to the IS control lifecycle, the risk area spans the gamut from identification and assessment of the scope and likelihood of a particular risk to monitoring for it and responding to it if/when it occurs.
Since CRISC's introduction in 2010, more than 17,000 people worldwide have earned this credential. Because of the demand for people with these skills and the relatively small supply of those who have them, CRISC is the highest-paying certification on the list this year.
To obtain CRISC certification, you must have at least three years of experience in at least three of the five areas that the certification covers, and you must pass the exam, which is only offered twice a year. This is not a case where you can just take a class and get certified. Achieving CRISC certification requires effort and years of planning.
2. Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
ISACA also created CISM certification. It's aimed at management more than the IT professional and focuses on security strategy and assessing the systems and policies in place more than it focuses on the person who actually implements those policies using a particular vendor's platform.
More than 24,000 people have been certified since its introduction in 2002, making it a highly sought-after area with a relatively small supply of certified individuals. In addition, the exam is only offered three times a year, making taking the exam more of a challenge than with many other certification exams. It also requires at least five years of experience in IS, with at least three of those as a security manager. As with CRISC, requirements for CISM certification demand effort and years of planning.
3. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
Offered by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2, CISSP is designed to provide vendor-neutral security expertise, similar to the certifications ISACA offers. Launched in 1994, CISSP consists of an exam based around ten different areas in computer security, including risk analysis, cloud computing, security when developing applications, mobile, cryptography, physical security, business continuity and disaster recovery planning, and legal and compliance issues.
CISSP candidates must have at least five years of full-time experience in at least two of the ten areas tested. If you don't have the work experience, you can earn an Associate of (ISC)2 designation while working toward the full certification.
CISSP certification has a broad focus, covering many areas in a single certification. There is also a requirement to earn Continuous Professional Education (CPE) credits every year to remain certified. There are nearly 96,000 CISSPs worldwide, with approximately two-thirds of them in the United States.
4. Project Management Professional (PMP®)
The fourth highest paying and the first that is not security related, the PMP certification was created and is administered by the Project Management Institute (PMI®). It is the most recognized project management certification available. There are more than 630,000 PMPs worldwide.
The PMP certification exam tests five areas relating to the lifecycle of a project: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. PMP certification is for running any kind of project, and it is not specialized into sub types, such as manufacturing, construction, or IT.
To become certified, individuals must have 35 hours of PMP-related training along with 7,500 hours of project management experience (if they have less than a bachelor's degree) or 4,500 hours of project management experience with a bachelor's or higher. PMP certification is another that requires years of planning and effort.
5. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
The fifth highest-paying certification is also from ISACA, and this one is for IS auditors. CISA certification is ISACA's oldest, dating back to 1978, with more than 106,000 people certified since its inception. CISA certification requires at least five years of experience in IS auditing, control, or security in addition to passing an exam that is only offered three times per year.
The CISA certification is usually obtained by those whose job responsibilities include auditing, monitoring, controlling, and/or assessing IT and/or business systems. It is designed to test the candidate's ability to manage vulnerabilities, ensure compliance with standards, and propose controls, processes, and updates to a company's policies to ensure compliance with accepted IT and business standards.
6. Certified ScrumMaster
Another project management-related certification to make the list this year, Certified ScrumMaster was originally focused on software application development. Today it is often applied to many areas outside development.
Scrum is a rugby term; it's a means for restarting a game after a minor rules violation or after the ball is no longer in play (for example, when it goes out of bounds). In project management, Scrum is a process designed to act in a similar manner for projects in which a customer often changes his or her mind during the development process, common in many courseware, programming, manufacturing, and similar projects.
In traditional project management, the request to change something impacts the entire project and must be renegotiated, a time-consuming and potentially expensive way to get the changes incorporated. There is also a single project manager.
In Scrum, however, there is not a single project manager. Instead, the team works together to reach the stated goal. The team should be co-located so members may interact frequently, and it should include representatives from all necessary disciplines (for example, in software design, developers, product owners, experts in various areas required by the application, etc.).
Where PMP tries to identify everything up front and plan for a way to get the project completed, Scrum takes the approach that the requirements will change during the project lifecycle and that unexpected issues will arise. Rather than holding up the process, Scrum takes the approach that the problem the application is trying to solve will never be completely defined and understood, so team members must do the best they can with the time and budget available and by quickly adapting to change.
So where does the ScrumMaster fit in? Also known as a servant-leader, the Scrum Master has two main duties: to protect the team from outside influences that would impede the project (the servant) and to chair the meetings and encourage the team to continually improve (the leader).
The Certified ScrumMaster designation was created and is managed by the Scrum Alliance and requires the candidate to attend a class taught by a Certified Scrum Trainer and to pass the associated exam. There are more than 262,000 Certified ScrumMasters.
7. Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA)
Cisco's certification levels are Entry, Associate, Professional, Expert, and Architect. Those who obtain this Associate-level certification are typically network design engineers, technicians, or support technicians. They are expected to design basic campus-type networks and be familiar with routing and switching, security, voice and video, wireless connectivity, and IP (both v4 and v6). They often work as part of a team with those who have higher-level Cisco certifications.
To achieve CCDA certification, you must have earned one of the following: Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT), the lowest-level certification and the foundation for a career in networking; Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching; or any Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE), the highest level of certification at Cisco. You must also pass a single exam.
8. Citrix Certified Professional - Virtualization (CCP-V)
CCP-V is a newer certification from Citrix, replacing Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer (CCEE) certification that was retired in November 2014. Focused around XenDesktop 7, CCP-V requires that candidates have already earned Citrix Certified Associate - Virtualization (CCA-V) certification. CCP-V certifies that you can deploy applications and virtual desktops using a variety of Citrix technologies, including XenDesktop 7, XenServer, and NetScaler.
While other Citrix certifications-including many for older versions of the software-are among the top 25 highest-paying this year, this new certification ranking so highly suggests that being certified on the latest version of a platform yields a higher salary than being certified on older versions.
9. Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Routing and Switching
CCNP Routing and Switching certification is a follow on to Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching certification and a prerequisite to Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) Routing and Switching. Many CCNA-level engineers move on to CCNP Routing and Switching to show greater knowledge and depth in networking and to earn higher salaries.
CCNPs in routing and switching typically have at least a couple of years of experience (though that experience is not required) and have demonstrated the ability to plan, deploy, and troubleshoot both LAN and WAN scenarios and work with experts in related fields, such as voice and wireless. CCNP Routing and Switching certification requires separate exams in switching, routing, and troubleshooting.
10. Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate - Junos (JNCIA-Junos)
The JNCIA-Junos certification certifies knowledge of networking fundamentals, basic routing and switching, and Junos OS. It is the only entry-level certification in the top 10, and it is valid for two years.
11. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)
This certification ranked number 11 with an average salary of $96,121 for those who didn't list an associated Windows version and $96,726 for those who listed MCSE on Windows 2003, for the weighted average of $96,198 listed above.
The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer is an old certification and is no longer attainable. It has been replaced by the Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (yes, also MCSE). The Engineer certification was valid for Windows NT 3.51 - 2003, and the new Expert certification is for Windows 2012. There is an upgrade path if you are currently an MCSA or MCITP on Windows 2008. There is no direct upgrade path from the old MCSE to the new MCSE.
12. ITIL v3 Foundation
ITIL® was created by England's government in the 1980s to standardize IT management. It is a set of best practices for aligning the services IT provides with the needs of the organization. It is broad based, covering everything from availability and capacity management to change and incident management, in addition to application and IT operations management.
ITIL is composed of a set of books. Over the last 30 years, it has become the most widely used framework for IT management in the world. ITIL standards are owned by AXELOS, a joint venture company created by the Cabinet Office on behalf of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and Capita plc, but they have authorized partners who provide education, training, and certification. The governing body defined the certification tiers, but they leave it to the accredited partners to develop the training and certification around that framework.
ITIL Foundation certification is the entry-level one and provides a broad-based understanding of the IT lifecycle and the concepts and terminology surrounding it. Anyone wishing for higher-level certifications must have this level first, thus people may have higher certifications and still list this certification in the survey, which may skew the salary somewhat.
13. Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) created and manages CEH certification. It is designed to test the candidate's abilities to prod for holes, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities in a company's network defenses using techniques and methods that hackers employ. The difference between a hacker and a CEH is that a hacker wants to cause damage, steal information, etc., while the CEH wants to fix the deficiencies found. Given the many attacks, the great volume of personal data at risk, and the legal liabilities possible, the need for CEHs is quite high, hence the salaries offered.
14. VMware Certified Professional - Data Center Virtualization (VCP-DCV)
The entry-level VMware Certified Professional (VCP) is the oldest certification from VMware. As the VMware product portfolio has grown in the last several years, it was decided that a single certification was not sufficient. Now several VCP tracks exist, enabling VCPs to specialize.
The only VCP track that broke the top 15 this year is the Data Center Virtualization track, the largest and oldest of the VCP tracks. VCP-DCV certifies one's knowledge of and ability to perform basic deployment and administration of vCenter and ESXi.
A policy established in 2014 requires that every two years, VCPs must recertify on their current track, take an exam in another VCP track, or take a higher-level exam to remain certified. With this new requirement, there will probably be fewer VCPs next year. Also, the release of vSphere version 6 provides an opportunity to upgrade VCP 5 skills to VCP 6 quickly and less expensively this year.
15. Certified Novell Engineer (CNE)
The CNE certification was very popular in the 1990s and fell out of favor as Microsoft Windows became a dominant server vendor in the 2000s. Now that there are many more platforms and fewer CNEs, as many moved on to other areas, this certification is back in demand.
CNE certification confirms your ability to design, implement, troubleshoot, and upgrade networks based on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES). Those who have the Novell NetWare 6 CNE may upgrade to the Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare. Open Enterprise Server is based on SLES and offers server management and file storage that NetWare was known for.
Rounding Out the Top 25
A few popular certifications just missed the Top 15 cut due to a low total number of responses or an average (mean) pay just outside the threshold. Due to their popularity, I have included them for informational purposes.
16. Citrix Certified Advanced Administrator (CCAA) for XenApp6 $93,831
17. Citrix Certified Enterprise Engineer (CCEE) $93,662 18. Citrix Certified Associate - Virtualization (CCA- V) $93,437 19. Citrix Certified Administrator (CCA) for Citrix XenServer6 $92,695 20. CCA for Citrix XenDesktop 6 $92,411
21. Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Administrator $92,252 22. CCA for Citrix XenApp6 $91,069
23. Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) $89,427 24. Certified Novell Administrator (CNA) $89,018
25. Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) $87,667
Honorable Mention
AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate is a relatively new certification that debuted in mid-2013. While it did not receive enough responses to qualify for our "Top 15" list, it is definitely a certification that warrants a mention based on the salaries of those who did respond.
AWS's baseline certification, AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate is intended for individuals with experience designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform. The certification addresses a range of topics, including designing on AWS, selecting the appropriate AWS services for your situation, estimating AWS costs, and identifying cost control measures.
Since the release of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification, AWS has rolled out three additional certifications, including the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional, and they have one more in beta (AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional). In this year's salary survey, each of the four active AWS certifications has an average salary of more than $100,000, but they did not meet the minimum number of responses to make our list. Based on the number of companies moving to the cloud and the growth of AWS, I would certainly expect to see a few AWS certifications in next year's list.
Notable Trends
Of this year's top-paying certifications:
Five are in security (1, 2, 3, 5, and 13).
Three are in business (4, 6, and 12).
Three are in networking (7, 9, and 10).
If you're looking to improve your skills (and your pay!), consider adding one or more of the certifications above. Consider your current skill set and see if a related skill or a management skill may help power your career to the next level. For example: If you already know storage or networking, consider a certification in virtualization. Or, break out of your technical track into a management track by taking ITIL or PMP training and getting certified in one of those areas.
About the Author
John Hales, VCP, VCP-DT, VCAP-DCA, VCI, is a VMware instructor at Global Knowledge, teaching most of the vSphere classes that Global Knowledge offers, including the View classes. John is also the author of many books, including involved technical books from Sybex, exam preparation books, and many quick reference guides from BarCharts, in addition to custom courseware for individual customers. His latest book on vSphere is entitled Administering vSphere 5: Planning, Implementing and Troubleshooting. John has various certifications, including the VMware VCA-DCV, VCA-DT, VCA-Cloud, VCP, VCP-DT, VCAP-DCA, VCI, and VCI Level 2; the Microsoft MCSE, MCDBA, MOUS, and MCT; the EMC Storage Administrator (EMCSA); and the CompTIA A+, Network+, and CTT+. John lives with his wife and children in Sunrise, FL.
quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2015
Materiais dos cursos NIC.Br (AS e IPv6)
Pessoal, semana passada realizei o curso para sistemas autonomos do Nic.Br e estou compartilhando o material desse curso e do de IPv6.
O material é bem rico em conteúdo e vale a pena conferir, porém o curso (AS) não é focado na parte técnica, se está procurando algo voltado ao BGP abaixo segue o link do material do Rinaldo Vaz que é bem mais completo nesse aspecto .
Sistemas Autonomos:
CCNA Exam Simulation Day 2015
Bom galera, assim como no ano passado, o professor Adilson Florentino e a equipe do Netfinders está promovendo o Exam Simulation Day 2015 que se consiste em um simulado baseado na prova do CCNA e o mais bem colocado irá ganhar um voucher pra realizar a prova de graça.
Para participar basta realizar uma doação diretamente no site, lembrando que o target para a realização do exame é quando atingir o valor da certificação $300 dólares.
Acho uma iniciativa muito boa e compartilho para ajudar a divulgar :) já que ano passado a iniciativa conseguiu formar 1 CCNA.
quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2015
CybraryIT - Treinamentos grátis (CCNA, ITIL, MCSA, Security e mais)
Pessoal, o CybraryIT é um projeto de um grupo de especialistas (Redes/Servers/Security/etc) que visa distribuir diversos treinamentos online e gratuitos, entre o catálogo de cursos, existem alguns bem interessantes como CISSP, CCNA e outros:
Achei bem interessante a proposta pois eles mesmos no site informam que não estão interessados em dinheiro ("The chains of money no longer control IT and Cyber Security Training") e pelas aulas que assisti, o conteúdo é muito bom, vale a pena testar :)
segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2015
Estudos para o CCIE - 1
Bom pessoal, estou pensando em colocar o andamento dos
estudos para o CCIE mensalmente (a não ser que ocorra algo especifico kkk),
segue o primeiro mês então:
Bom sendo bem sincero, eu não tinha noção de como sou
desorganizado/preguiçoso e sem foco para manter uma rotina de estudos tão
cansativa, o primeiro grande problema que passei esse mês foi a falta de
motivação, pois eu não sei porque eu
coloquei na cabeça que já estava estudando muito e a muito tempo (fazem uns 3
anos que não paro de estudar), mas acabei tomando um banho de realidade (alguns
colegas me mostraram que estava perdendo tempo pensando assim) e comecei os
O meu segundo grande problema esse mês foi a falta de
disciplina, pois em um dos dias que tirei para estudar acabei me sabotando
mexendo no facebook/whatsapp a noite inteira e não consegui estudar nem 10
minutos, então esse para resolver esse passo acabei excluindo a minha conta no facebook
e praticamente estou sendo obrigado a desligar a internet/3g do celular com
relação ao whats.
O terceiro problema esse mês foram os jogos, acabei
comprando um PSP e gastando mais de 20 horas em alguns jogos que queria
jogar.... Para esse problema a solução ainda estou trabalhando nela...
O quarto e último problema foi a falta de tempo para
estudar, pois faço Inglês e tento ir pra academia durante a semana, então para
resolver esse problema vou acordar todos os dias 2 horas mais cedo para estudar.
Agora com relação ao que foi estudado:
- Assisti todos os vídeos sobre layer 2 do INE, comecei a
ler o material oficial e realizei 90% dos Labs do workbook na parte de L2 pelo
GNS3 com IOU, porém alguns labs não são suportados pela ferramenta, segue as
minhas considerações sobre os labs pelos nomes de cada:
- Layer 2 Access Switchports: Funcionou bem.
-Layer 2 Dynamic Switchports: As interfaces já negociam
automaticamente e o comando para alterar a negociação DTP não existe no IOU
(switchport mode dynamic auto ou nonegociate), para resolver o problema fiz
esse lab no Packet Tracer versão 6.2
-802.1q Native VLAN – Funcionou bem.
- DTP Negotiation: Igual ao de Dynamic Switchports.
- VTP Domain- Funcionou bem.
- VTP transparente: funcionou bem.
- VTP Pruning: funcionou bem.
- VTP Prune-ELigible List: funcionou bem.
- Layer 2 EtherChannel: Funcionou bem.
- Layer 2 Etherchannel with PAgP: Funcionou bem.
- Layer 2 Etherchannel with LACP: Funcionou bem.
- Layer 3 Etherchannel : Funcionou bem.
- STP Root Bridge
Election : Funcionou bem.
- STP Path selection with Port Cost: OK
- STP Path selection with Port priority OK
- Tuning STP Convergence Timers: OK
- STP PortFast: OK
- STP PortFast Default: OK
- STP UplinkFast: OK
- STP BackboneFast: OK
- STP bpdu guard : Nesse Lab eu tive um bug estranho pois não
consegui realizar o etherchannel L3 e L2 juntos, o protocolo LACP não consegue
negociar, não achei essencial o Etherchanel mas mesmo assim realizei o Lab
novamente online (link no fim do post).
- STP bpdu guard default: o mesmo que acima.
- STP BPDU FIlter: o mesmo que acima.
- STP BPDU FIlter Default: o mesmo que acima.
- STP Root Guard: OK
- STP Loop Guard: OK
- Unidirectional Link Detection: Os comandos do UDLD não são
suportados pelo IOU (udld port agressive) realizei o Lab online (link no fim do
- MST Root Bridge Election: OK
- MST Path Selection with Port Cost: OK
- MST Path selection via port priority : Ok, mas o root port
não muda no SW4 quando se altera a priority do SW2.
- MST and Rapid Spanning Tree: OK
- Protected ports: Não há o comando no IOU, fiz o Lab
- Storm-control: Não há o comando, fiz o Lab Online.
- Mac-address table static entries and aging: O comando “mac
address-table static x.x.x vlan x drop” não existe no IOU, Fiz o Lab online.
- SPAN : IOU não suporta o comando, fiz no Lab online.
-RSPAN: IOU não suporta o comando, fiz no Lab online.
- Voice VLAN: OK
- Smartport Macros: IOU não suporta o comando, fiz no Lab
- Private Vlans: Ok porém alguns comandos não são suportados
pelo IOU (“private-vlan mapping 1000,2000).
- VTP V3: O comando “vtp
primary vlan” não é suportado pelo IOU então você não consegue criar vlans
mesmo configurado em modo Server, realizei o Lab Online.
Lab Online:
Bom pessoal, estou começando a parte de roteamento e agora
fica mais tranquilo as questões de Bugs etc.
Postagens (Atom)