Fala galera beleza?
A OffensiveSecurity (https://www.offensive-security.com/) lançou a certificação de Kali Linux chamada KLCP, a prova terá 80 questões e deverá ser realizada em até 90 minutos, o treinamento oficial está sendo disponibilizado pela equipe da Offensive Security no evento da BlackHat (https://www.blackhat.com/) por apenas $5.000 dólares, porém será lançada uma versão mais barata online, a prova em si saiu custando $500 dólares.
Foi disponibilizado também o livro Kali Revelead para os estudos:
Link e-book:
Link para agendamento da prova:
Bom galera, pessoalmente gosto bastante do Kali-Linux, porém lendo o livro que foi disponibilizado e verificando um pouco do que é cobrado nesse exame, me decepcionei com essa certificação, levando em conta o valor que será cobrado, parece mais um guide de fabricante de como instalar algo do que uma prova de certificação técnica em si.
Espero que essa impressão esteja errada e que o exame englobe outras vertentes, vou procurar o blueprint e depois posto aqui.
quinta-feira, 27 de julho de 2017
terça-feira, 25 de julho de 2017
Atualizações GNS3 e EVE
Fala galera beleza?
O GNS3 acaba de lançar a versão 2.1 Alpha release, com algumas atualizações interessantes:
- Filtro de pacotes entre links com diversas opções;
- Linhas pontilhadas;
- Links supensos;
- Até 275 adaptadores de redes no Qemu;
- Dysplay de erros e notificações;
- Duplicação de nodes;
- Dynamips 0.2.17;
- Lista com os diversos appliances disponíveis:
Entre outros, lista completa:
Além disso, o EVE lançou 2 atualizações importantes também, a primeira no dia 23 de Junho e a segunda no dia 20 de Julho com as seguintes alterações:
Link com todas as atualizações:
Pessoal, é sempre bom se manter atualizado com as últimas versões dos emuladores pois sempre há correções de bugs e novas features adicionadas, vou sempre tentar postar as novidades dos principais emuladores e simuladores do mercado.
quinta-feira, 20 de julho de 2017
Cisco Midyear Cybersecurity Report 2017
Fala galera, a Cisco disponibilizou o Midyear Cybersecurity Report de 2017, trata-se de um report semestral da Cisco que fala sobre as principais ameças mundiais na área de Cybersecurity, os métodos mais utilizados para invasões, os principais alvos (países, empresas, ramos, sistemas)etc, segue algumas imagens do report e também o link para download :
sábado, 15 de julho de 2017
Cisco Cybersecurity Scholarship - 2
Fala galera beleza?
Atualizando o andamento do projeto de Cybersec da Cisco:
- Terminei o curso de CYBEROPS disponibilizado, e ao contrário do SECFND, este é bem mais curto e muito mais teórico, abrange muitos processos/metodologia de um SOC e acaba deixando um pouco de lado a parte prática:
- O curso possui 15 sessões e somente as 9 primeiras possuem laboratórios práticos, os labs acabam ficando um pouco repetitivos sendo que a maioria das ferramentas e operações você já realizou no final do curso de SECFND, pouca coisa muda;
- O Lab mais interessante acabou sendo o da sessão 6 em que você precisa identificar os metódos mais comuns de ataques (SQL injection, DNS Tunneling, XSS e Metasploit), esse lab vale a pena realizar 2 ou 3 vezes se for preciso;
- Como acabei perdendo as sessões de mentoria, estou assistindo as que foram gravadas no SECFND para me preparar melhor para a prova:
- Já recebi os meus 2 voucher e agendei para o próximo mês as mesmas, para conseguir ler os Official Guides com cuidado, pois cada prova custa $300 Trumps e acaba ficando pesado para pagar do próprio bolso;
- Já estou me preparando de verdade pra primeira prova, então estou buscando informações de como a prova é de verdade (fórum do programa, comunidade de Cybersec no face e alguns outros foruns), se alguém tiver alguma informação sobre a prova (ex. se tem labs, principais tópicos etc.) serão muito bem vindas;
- O grupo do Telegram continua ativo (porém o pessoal ainda não começou os estudos), mas já temos alguns materiais bacanas la: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAENuMvrINhu5OxDWJQ
Abraços pessoal
IPSec Crypto-maps em routers Cisco
Pessoal, nesse post vou falar um pouco sobre IPSec em roteadores Cisco, como hoje em dia os firewalls de nova geração tratam a criação/manutenção de VPNs de forma mais simples, muitas vezes os analistas acabam criando e mantendo ambientes sem ao menos entender o que ele está fazendo na GUI (sou um exemplo disso, pois aprendi um pouco mais fazendo na CLI).
Pra começar vamos falar um pouco de conceitos de VPN e IPSec além de algumas observações.
- VPN (Virtual Private Network) - é uma extensão da rede privada sobre a rede pública (internet) em geral provendo:
- Autenticação de dados (garantir a identidade de quem envia os dados);
- Integridade de dados (garantir que os dados não foram alterados até o destino);
- Confiabilidade de dados (garantir privacidade nos dados);
- Anti-replay de dados;
- IPsec é um protocolo de criptografia de tunelamento na camada 3 (muitos se confundem com o SSL), criado para manter alguns padrões em cima dos itens citados acima;
- Possuí 2 modos:
- Tunnel: o pacote inteiro é criptografado;
- Transport: somente o payload é criptografado;
- Utiliza 2 estruturas para construir o túnel:
- SA (Security Association)- Mantém os parametros IPSec em acordo, além da criptografia e autenticação;
- SPI (Security Parameter Index) - Campo do headear para selecionar o SA em quem recebe o tráfego (receiver), parecido com o header de vlan nos labels MPLS;
- Protocolos de negociação : ISAKMP/IKE:
- ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) - framework de configuração que mantem os padrões de autenticação e troca de keys;
- IKE ( Internet Key Exchange) - Implementação atual que é composta de 3 suites de protocolos (ISAKMP, Oakley e SKEME), é usado para distribuição e criação de chaves públicas;
- Utilizam PSK (Preshared key) ou PKI (certificados) para autenticação;
- DH (Difie-Hellman) - método de troca de chaves criptografadas;
- Algoritimos de criptografia (DES, 3DES, AES-128, AES-256);
- IKE Hashing - IKEv1, MD5, SHA1, IKEv2, SHA-256, SHA-384;
- Phase 1 e Phase2:
- Negociação do IPSec SAs:
- Security Protocol (ESP ou AH);
- Encapsulation mode (tunnel ou transport);
- Encryption (DES, 3DES, AES);
- Authentication (MD5, SHA, SHA256, SHA512);
- AH vs ESP:
- AH (Authentication Header) - encrptação do header na origem do pacote (número de protocolo 51);
- Garante integridade;
- ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload) - encriptação do pacote inteiro (protocolo 50);
- Garante integridade, confidencialidade e anty-replay;
- IPSec Control Plane vs Data Plane:
- Todo tráfego é unicast IPv4/IPv6;
- Control Plane ISAKMP:
-UDP 500;
-UDP 4500 se for utilizar NAT;
- IPSec Data plane:
- ESP(50) ou AH (51);
- ESP na porta 4500 se for utilizar NAT;
- Passos para configurar IPSec:
- Defina Phase 1 ISAKMP policy;
- Defina Phase 2 IPSec policy;
- Permita o tráfego origem/destino nos routers (ACL);
- Aplique a crypto map ou o IPsec protect no túnel ou na interface;
- Crie tráfego para dar up no tunel;
- Who? (peer address, hostname ou FQDN);
- What? (proxy ACL);
- How? (Defina o transform-set);
Para o lab vou utilizar 3 roteadores IOU (I86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M)), porém você pode utilizar diveros outros modelos que suportem IPsec (7200 no GNS3 por exemplo).
-Configuração básica do LAB:
R1#interface Loopback100
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1.12
encapsulation dot1Q 12
ip address
R1#ip route
R2# interface Loopback100
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1.12
encapsulation dot1Q 12
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1.23
encapsulation dot1Q 23
ip address
R3# interface Loopback100
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1.23
encapsulation dot1Q 23
ip address
R3#ip route
- Configurar a fase 1 ISAKMP policy:
- Nessa etapa você deverá configurar a policy do ISAKMP com os seguintes parâmetros:
#R1(config)crypto isakmp policy 10
#R1(config-isakmp)authentication pre-share (definir PSK como chave)
#R1(config-isakmp)encryption aes 128 (criptografia, pode ser 3des, AES e DES, além do tamanho da key em bit)
#R1(config-isakmp)hash md5 (definir a hash)
#R1(config-isakmp)group 5 (definir o Diffie-Hellman group)
#R1(config-isakmp)lifetime 86400
#R3(config)crypto isakmp policy 10
#R3(config-isakmp)authentication pre-share
#R3(config-isakmp)encryption aes 128
#R3(config-isakmp)hash md5
#R3(config-isakmp)group 5
#R3(config-isakmp)lifetime 86400
Obs. essas opções são variáveis e se diferenciam no nível de segurança que você quer o seu túnel IPsec (quanto maior a chave mais seguro, porém consome mais processamento do router).
- Agora devemos criar a PSK para poder acontecer a troca de chaves:
#R1(config)crypto isakmp key CAFE address (chave CAFE kkkk)
#R3(config)crypto isakmp key CAFE address
- Vamos criar a access-list com o tráfego que será permitido no túnnel:
R1(config)#access-list 100 permit ip
R1(config)#access-list 100 permit ip host host
R1(config)# access-list 100 permit ip host host
R3(config)#access-list 100 permit ip
R3(config)#access-list 100 permit ip host host
R3(config)#access-list 100 permit ip host host
Obs. estou colocando o tráfego interessante como a comunicação entres as loopbacks para simular 2 lans se comunicando.
- Agora passando pra fase 2, vamos configurar os parâmetros do Crypto-Map:
#R1(config)crypto ipsec transform-set TESTE esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
#R1(cfg-crypto-trans)#mode tunnel
#R1(config)#crypto map R1_R3 10 ipsec-isakmp
#R1(config-crypto-map)#set peer
#R1(config-crypto-map)#match address 100
#R1(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set TESTE
#R3(config)crypto ipsec transform-set TESTE esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
#R3(cfg-crypto-trans)#mode tunnel
#R3(config)#crypto map R3_R1 10 ipsec-isakmp
#R3(config-crypto-map)#set peer
#R3(config-crypto-map)#match address 100
#R3(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set TESTE
- Aplique o a crypto-map na interface de saída dos túneis:
interface Ethernet0/1.12
encapsulation dot1Q 12
ip address
crypto map R1_R3
interface Ethernet0/1.23
encapsulation dot1Q 23
ip address
crypto map R3_R1
- Se tudo estiver correto, agora basta gerar tráfego no túnel para ele subir:
R1#ping source lo100
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 5/5/6 ms
- Para verificar as configurações de crypto isakmp e ipsec utilize:
R1#sh crypto isakmp sa
dst src state conn-id status QM_IDLE 1006 ACTIVE
R1#sh crypto ipsec sa
interface: Ethernet0/1.12
Crypto map tag: R1_R3, local addr
protected vrf: (none)
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
current_peer port 500
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
#pkts encaps: 9, #pkts encrypt: 9, #pkts digest: 9
#pkts decaps: 9, #pkts decrypt: 9, #pkts verify: 9
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
#pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
#send errors 0, #recv errors 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
plaintext mtu 1438, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb Ethernet0/1.12
current outbound spi: 0x58895A2A(1485396522)
PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none
inbound esp sas:
spi: 0x9A4EAE32(2588847666)
transform: esp-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
in use settings ={Tunnel, }
conn id: 993, flow_id: SW:993, sibling_flags 80004040, crypto map: R1_R3
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4349587/1716)
IV size: 16 bytes
replay detection support: Y
ecn bit support: Y status: off
inbound ah sas:
inbound pcp sas:
outbound esp sas:
spi: 0x58895A2A(1485396522)
transform: esp-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
in use settings ={Tunnel, }
conn id: 994, flow_id: SW:994, sibling_flags 80004040, crypto map: R1_R3
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4349587/1716)
IV size: 16 bytes
replay detection support: Y
ecn bit support: Y status: off
outbound ah sas:
outbound pcp sas:
protected vrf: (none)
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
current_peer port 500
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
#pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts digest: 0
#pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
#pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
#send errors 0, #recv errors 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
plaintext mtu 1500, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb Ethernet0/1.12
current outbound spi: 0x0(0)
PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none
inbound esp sas:
inbound ah sas:
inbound pcp sas:
outbound esp sas:
outbound ah sas:
outbound pcp sas:
protected vrf: (none)
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
current_peer port 500
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
#pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts digest: 0
#pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
#pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
#send errors 0, #recv errors 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
plaintext mtu 1500, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb Ethernet0/1.12
current outbound spi: 0x0(0)
PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none
inbound esp sas:
inbound ah sas:
inbound pcp sas:
outbound esp sas:
outbound ah sas:
outbound pcp sas:
- Verifique os matchs na access-list criada:
R1# sh access-lists 100
Extended IP access list 100
10 permit ip (15 matches)
20 permit ip host host
30 permit ip host host (24 matches)
- Teste também o tráfego por outras interfaces (simulando outras redes):
R1#ping source lo0
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
Abraços pessoal
Pra começar vamos falar um pouco de conceitos de VPN e IPSec além de algumas observações.
- VPN (Virtual Private Network) - é uma extensão da rede privada sobre a rede pública (internet) em geral provendo:
- Autenticação de dados (garantir a identidade de quem envia os dados);
- Integridade de dados (garantir que os dados não foram alterados até o destino);
- Confiabilidade de dados (garantir privacidade nos dados);
- Anti-replay de dados;
- IPsec é um protocolo de criptografia de tunelamento na camada 3 (muitos se confundem com o SSL), criado para manter alguns padrões em cima dos itens citados acima;
- Possuí 2 modos:
- Tunnel: o pacote inteiro é criptografado;
- Transport: somente o payload é criptografado;
- Utiliza 2 estruturas para construir o túnel:
- SA (Security Association)- Mantém os parametros IPSec em acordo, além da criptografia e autenticação;
- SPI (Security Parameter Index) - Campo do headear para selecionar o SA em quem recebe o tráfego (receiver), parecido com o header de vlan nos labels MPLS;
- Protocolos de negociação : ISAKMP/IKE:
- ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) - framework de configuração que mantem os padrões de autenticação e troca de keys;
- IKE ( Internet Key Exchange) - Implementação atual que é composta de 3 suites de protocolos (ISAKMP, Oakley e SKEME), é usado para distribuição e criação de chaves públicas;
- Utilizam PSK (Preshared key) ou PKI (certificados) para autenticação;
- DH (Difie-Hellman) - método de troca de chaves criptografadas;
- Algoritimos de criptografia (DES, 3DES, AES-128, AES-256);
- IKE Hashing - IKEv1, MD5, SHA1, IKEv2, SHA-256, SHA-384;
- Phase 1 e Phase2:
- Negociação do IPSec SAs:
- Security Protocol (ESP ou AH);
- Encapsulation mode (tunnel ou transport);
- Encryption (DES, 3DES, AES);
- Authentication (MD5, SHA, SHA256, SHA512);
- AH vs ESP:
- AH (Authentication Header) - encrptação do header na origem do pacote (número de protocolo 51);
- Garante integridade;
- ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload) - encriptação do pacote inteiro (protocolo 50);
- Garante integridade, confidencialidade e anty-replay;
- IPSec Control Plane vs Data Plane:
- Todo tráfego é unicast IPv4/IPv6;
- Control Plane ISAKMP:
-UDP 500;
-UDP 4500 se for utilizar NAT;
- IPSec Data plane:
- ESP(50) ou AH (51);
- ESP na porta 4500 se for utilizar NAT;
- Passos para configurar IPSec:
- Defina Phase 1 ISAKMP policy;
- Defina Phase 2 IPSec policy;
- Permita o tráfego origem/destino nos routers (ACL);
- Aplique a crypto map ou o IPsec protect no túnel ou na interface;
- Crie tráfego para dar up no tunel;
- Who? (peer address, hostname ou FQDN);
- What? (proxy ACL);
- How? (Defina o transform-set);
Para o lab vou utilizar 3 roteadores IOU (I86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M)), porém você pode utilizar diveros outros modelos que suportem IPsec (7200 no GNS3 por exemplo).
-Configuração básica do LAB:
R1#interface Loopback100
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1.12
encapsulation dot1Q 12
ip address
R1#ip route
R2# interface Loopback100
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1.12
encapsulation dot1Q 12
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1.23
encapsulation dot1Q 23
ip address
R3# interface Loopback100
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1.23
encapsulation dot1Q 23
ip address
R3#ip route
- Configurar a fase 1 ISAKMP policy:
- Nessa etapa você deverá configurar a policy do ISAKMP com os seguintes parâmetros:
#R1(config)crypto isakmp policy 10
#R1(config-isakmp)authentication pre-share (definir PSK como chave)
#R1(config-isakmp)encryption aes 128 (criptografia, pode ser 3des, AES e DES, além do tamanho da key em bit)
#R1(config-isakmp)hash md5 (definir a hash)
#R1(config-isakmp)group 5 (definir o Diffie-Hellman group)
#R1(config-isakmp)lifetime 86400
#R3(config)crypto isakmp policy 10
#R3(config-isakmp)authentication pre-share
#R3(config-isakmp)encryption aes 128
#R3(config-isakmp)hash md5
#R3(config-isakmp)group 5
#R3(config-isakmp)lifetime 86400
Obs. essas opções são variáveis e se diferenciam no nível de segurança que você quer o seu túnel IPsec (quanto maior a chave mais seguro, porém consome mais processamento do router).
- Agora devemos criar a PSK para poder acontecer a troca de chaves:
#R1(config)crypto isakmp key CAFE address (chave CAFE kkkk)
#R3(config)crypto isakmp key CAFE address
- Vamos criar a access-list com o tráfego que será permitido no túnnel:
R1(config)#access-list 100 permit ip
R1(config)#access-list 100 permit ip host host
R1(config)# access-list 100 permit ip host host
R3(config)#access-list 100 permit ip
R3(config)#access-list 100 permit ip host host
R3(config)#access-list 100 permit ip host host
Obs. estou colocando o tráfego interessante como a comunicação entres as loopbacks para simular 2 lans se comunicando.
- Agora passando pra fase 2, vamos configurar os parâmetros do Crypto-Map:
#R1(config)crypto ipsec transform-set TESTE esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
#R1(cfg-crypto-trans)#mode tunnel
#R1(config)#crypto map R1_R3 10 ipsec-isakmp
#R1(config-crypto-map)#set peer
#R1(config-crypto-map)#match address 100
#R1(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set TESTE
#R3(config)crypto ipsec transform-set TESTE esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
#R3(cfg-crypto-trans)#mode tunnel
#R3(config)#crypto map R3_R1 10 ipsec-isakmp
#R3(config-crypto-map)#set peer
#R3(config-crypto-map)#match address 100
#R3(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set TESTE
- Aplique o a crypto-map na interface de saída dos túneis:
interface Ethernet0/1.12
encapsulation dot1Q 12
ip address
crypto map R1_R3
interface Ethernet0/1.23
encapsulation dot1Q 23
ip address
crypto map R3_R1
- Se tudo estiver correto, agora basta gerar tráfego no túnel para ele subir:
R1#ping source lo100
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 5/5/6 ms
- Para verificar as configurações de crypto isakmp e ipsec utilize:
R1#sh crypto isakmp sa
dst src state conn-id status QM_IDLE 1006 ACTIVE
R1#sh crypto ipsec sa
interface: Ethernet0/1.12
Crypto map tag: R1_R3, local addr
protected vrf: (none)
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
current_peer port 500
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
#pkts encaps: 9, #pkts encrypt: 9, #pkts digest: 9
#pkts decaps: 9, #pkts decrypt: 9, #pkts verify: 9
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
#pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
#send errors 0, #recv errors 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
plaintext mtu 1438, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb Ethernet0/1.12
current outbound spi: 0x58895A2A(1485396522)
PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none
inbound esp sas:
spi: 0x9A4EAE32(2588847666)
transform: esp-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
in use settings ={Tunnel, }
conn id: 993, flow_id: SW:993, sibling_flags 80004040, crypto map: R1_R3
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4349587/1716)
IV size: 16 bytes
replay detection support: Y
ecn bit support: Y status: off
inbound ah sas:
inbound pcp sas:
outbound esp sas:
spi: 0x58895A2A(1485396522)
transform: esp-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
in use settings ={Tunnel, }
conn id: 994, flow_id: SW:994, sibling_flags 80004040, crypto map: R1_R3
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4349587/1716)
IV size: 16 bytes
replay detection support: Y
ecn bit support: Y status: off
outbound ah sas:
outbound pcp sas:
protected vrf: (none)
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
current_peer port 500
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
#pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts digest: 0
#pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
#pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
#send errors 0, #recv errors 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
plaintext mtu 1500, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb Ethernet0/1.12
current outbound spi: 0x0(0)
PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none
inbound esp sas:
inbound ah sas:
inbound pcp sas:
outbound esp sas:
outbound ah sas:
outbound pcp sas:
protected vrf: (none)
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
current_peer port 500
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
#pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts digest: 0
#pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
#pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
#send errors 0, #recv errors 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
plaintext mtu 1500, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb Ethernet0/1.12
current outbound spi: 0x0(0)
PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none
inbound esp sas:
inbound ah sas:
inbound pcp sas:
outbound esp sas:
outbound ah sas:
outbound pcp sas:
- Verifique os matchs na access-list criada:
R1# sh access-lists 100
Extended IP access list 100
10 permit ip (15 matches)
20 permit ip host host
30 permit ip host host (24 matches)
- Teste também o tráfego por outras interfaces (simulando outras redes):
R1#ping source lo0
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
Abraços pessoal
quinta-feira, 13 de julho de 2017
Coleção de livros Microsoft para download
Galera, essa semana o diretor de vendas Eric Ligman liberou para download a mais vasta coleção de livros da Microsoft para donwload:
Category Title Format
Azure Introducing Windows Azure™ for IT Professionals
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Azure Automation
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Azure Machine Learning
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Fundamentals of Azure
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition le
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure – le
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure 8.5X11
Azure Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute Guide
Azure Overview of Azure Active Directory
Azure Rapid Deployment Guide For Azure Rights Management
Azure Rethinking Enterprise Storage: A Hybrid Cloud Model
BizTalk BizTalk Server 2016 Licensing Datasheet
BizTalk BizTalk Server 2016 Management Pack Guide
Cloud Enterprise Cloud Strategy
Cloud Enterprise Cloud Strategy – le
Developer .NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications
Developer .NET Technology Guidance for Business Applications
Developer Building Cloud Apps with Microsoft Azure™: Best practices for DevOps, data storage, high availability, and more
Developer Containerized ker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools
Developer Creating le Apps with Xamarin.Forms, Preview Edition 2
Developer Creating le Apps with Xamarin.Forms: Cross-platform C# programming for iOS, Android, and Windows
Developer Managing Agile Open-Source Software Projects with Microsoft Visual Studio Online
Developer Microsoft Azure Essentials Azure Web Apps for Developers
Developer Microsoft Platform and Tools for le App Development
Developer Microsoft Platform and Tools for le App Development – le
Developer Moving to Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 XPS
Developer Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Developer Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Second Edition
Developer Programming Windows® Phone 7 (Special Excerpt 2) XPS
Developer Team Foundation Server to Visual Studio Team Services Migration Guide
Dynamics 5 cool things you can do with CRM for tablets
Dynamics Create Custom Analytics in Dynamics 365 with Power BI
Dynamics Create of Customize System Dashboards
Dynamics Create Your First CRM Marketing Campaign
Dynamics CRM Basics for Outlook basics
Dynamics CRM Basics for Sales Pros and Service Reps
Dynamics Give Great Customer Service with CRM
Dynamics Go le with CRM for Phones – Express
Dynamics Go le with CRM for Tablets
Dynamics Import Contacts into CRM
Dynamics Introducing Microsoft Social Engagement
Dynamics Introduction to Business Processes
Dynamics Meet Your Service Goals with SLAs and Entitlements
Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Interactive Service Hub User Guide
Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 On-Premises Volume Licensing and Pricing Guide
Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Installing Guide for use with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM Resource Guide 2015
Dynamics Microsoft Social Engagement for CRM
Dynamics Product Overview and Capability Guide Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
Dynamics RAP as a Service for Dynamics CRM
Dynamics Set Up A Social Engagement Search For Your Product
Dynamics Social is for Closers
Dynamics Start Working in CRM
Dynamics Your Brand Sux
General 10 essential tips and tools for le working
General An employee’s guide to healthy computing
General Guide for People who have Language or Communication Disabilities
General Guide for People who have Learning Disabilities
Licensing Introduction to Per Core Licensing and Basic Definitions
Licensing Licensing Windows and Microsoft Office for use on the Macintosh
Licensing VLSC Software Assurance Guide
Licensing Windows Server 2016 and System Center 2016 Pricing and Licensing FAQs
Office Access 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Azure AD/Office 365 seamless sign-in
Office Content Encryption in Microsoft Office 365
Office Controlling Access to Office 365 and Protecting Content on Devices
Office Customize Word 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Data Resiliency in Microsoft Office 365
Office Excel 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Excel 2016 keyboard shortcuts and function keys
Office Excel Online Keyboard Shortcuts
Office File Protection Solutions in Office 365
Office First Look: Microsoft® Office 2010 XPS
Office Get Started With Microsoft OneDrive
Office Get Started With Microsoft Project Online
Office Getting started with MyAnalytics
Office How To Recover That Un-Saved Office ument
Office InfoPath 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook 2013 and 2016
Office Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word 2016 for Windows
Office Licensing Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus Subscription Service in Volume Licensing
Office Licensing Microsoft Office software in Volume Licensing
Office Microsoft Access 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Classroom Deployment
Office Microsoft Excel 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Excel 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Excel 2016 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Excel le Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Excel VLOOKUP Troubleshooting Tips
Office Microsoft OneNote 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft OneNote 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft OneNote 2016 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft OneNote 2016 Tips and Tricks
Office Microsoft OneNote le Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Outlook 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Outlook 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Outlook 2016 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Outlook 2016 Tips and Tricks
Office Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft PowerPoint le Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Project 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Publisher 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Visio 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Word 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Word 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Word 2016 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Word le Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft® Office 365: Connect and Collaborate Virtually Anywhere, Anytime
Office Monitoring and protecting sensitive data in Office 365
Office Office 365 Dedicated Platform vNext Service Release
Office Office 365 Licensing Brief
Office OneNote 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office OneNote Online Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Outlook 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Outlook Web App Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Own Your Future: Update Your Skills with Resources and Career Ideas from Microsoft® XPS
Office PowerPoint Online Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Project 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Publisher 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Security and Privacy For Microsoft Office 2010 Users
Office Security Incident Management in Microsoft Office 365
Office SharePoint Online Dedicated & OneDrive for Business Dedicated vNext Service Release
Office Skype for Business User Tips & Tricks for Anyone
Office Switching from Google Apps to Office 365 for business
Office Tenant Isolation in Microsoft Office 365
Office Visio 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Windows 10 Tips and Tricks
Office Word 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Word Online Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Working with SmartArt Graphics Keyboard Shortcuts
Power BI Ask, find, and act—harnessing the power of Cortana and Power BI
Power BI Bidirectional cross-filtering in SQL Server Analysis Services 2016 and Power BI Desktop
Power BI Configuring Power BI le apps with Microsoft Intune
Power BI Getting started with the Power BI for Android app
Power BI Getting Started with the Power BI for iOS app
Power BI How to plan capacity for embedded analytics with Power BI Premium
Power BI Introducing Microsoft Power BI
Power BI Introducing Microsoft Power BI – le
Power BI Microsoft Power BI Premium Whitepaper
Power BI Power BI le apps—enabling data analytics on the go
Power BI Propelling digital transformation in manufacturing operations with Power BI
Power BI Using Power BI to visualize data insights from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
PowerShell Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 PowerShell Users Guide
PowerShell PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment 3.0
PowerShell Simplify Group Policy administration with Windows PowerShell
PowerShell Windows PowerShell 3.0 Examples
PowerShell Windows PowerShell 3.0 Language Quick Reference
PowerShell Windows PowerShell 4.0 Language Reference Examples
PowerShell Windows PowerShell Command Builder User’s Guide
PowerShell Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Quick Reference
PowerShell Windows PowerShell Web Access
PowerShell WMI in PowerShell 3.0
PowerShell WMI in Windows PowerShell 4.0
SharePoint Configuring Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid Capabilities
SharePoint Configuring Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid Capabilities – le
SharePoint Deployment guide for Microsoft SharePoint 2013
SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Architectural Models
SharePoint Planning and Preparing for Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid – 8.5 X 11
SharePoint Planning and Preparing for Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid – le
SharePoint RAP as a Service for SharePoint Server
SharePoint SharePoint Online Dedicated Service Description
SharePoint SharePoint Products Keyboard Shortcuts
SharePoint SharePoint Server 2016 Databases – Quick Reference Guide
SharePoint SharePoint Server 2016 Quick Start Guide
SQL Server 5 Tips For A Smooth SSIS Upgrade to SQL Server 2012
SQL Server Backup and Restore of SQL Server Databases
SQL Server Data Science with Microsoft SQL Server 2016
SQL Server Deeper insights across data with SQL Server 2016 – Technical White Paper
SQL Server Deploying SQL Server 2016 PowerPivot and Power View in a Multi-Tier SharePoint 2016 Farm
SQL Server Deploying SQL Server 2016 PowerPivot and Power View in SharePoint 2016
SQL Server Guide to Migrating from Oracle to SQL Server 2014 and Azure SQL Database
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft Azure™ HDInsight™
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft Data Warehouse Fast Track for SQL Server 2016
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2016: Mission-Critical Applications, Deeper Insights, Hyperscale Cloud, Preview 2
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2016: Mission-Critical Applications, Deeper Insights, Hyperscale Cloud, Preview 2 – le
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft Technologies for Data Storage, Movement and Transformation
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 XPS
SQL Server Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Reviewer’s Guide
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Analysis Services – Data Mining Step-by-Step
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Analysis Services – Multidimensional Modeling Step-by-Step
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Reporting Services Quick Step-by-Step
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Writing Transact-SQL-Statements
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Licensing Guide
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Licensing Datasheet
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Licensing Guide
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Mission-Critical Performance Technical White Paper
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 New Innovations
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 SP1 Editions
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server In-Memory OLTP and Columnstore Feature Comparison
SQL Server RAP as a Service for SQL Server
SQL Server SQLCAT’s Guide to: Relational Engine
SQL Server Xquery Language Reference
Surface Surface Book User Guide
Surface Surface Pro 4 User Guide
System Center Guide to Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services (Native Mode)
System Center Guide to System Center Management Pack for Windows Print Server 2016
System Center Introducing Microsoft System Center 2012 R2
System Center Microsoft System Center Building a Virtualized Network Solution, Second Edition
System Center Microsoft System Center Data Protection for the Hybrid Cloud
System Center Microsoft System Center Deploying Hyper-V with Software-Defined Storage & Networking
System Center Microsoft System Center Extending Operations Manager Reporting
System Center Microsoft System Center Introduction to Microsoft Automation Solutions
System Center Microsoft System Center Operations Manager Field Experience
System Center Microsoft System Center Software Update Management Field Experience
System Center Microsoft System Center: Building a Virtualized Network Solution
System Center Microsoft System Center: Cloud Management with App Controller
System Center Microsoft System Center: Configuration Manager Field Experience
System Center Microsoft System Center: Designing Orchestrator Runbooks
System Center Microsoft System Center: Integrated Cloud Platform
System Center Microsoft System Center: Network Virtualization and Cloud Computing
System Center Microsoft System Center: Optimizing Service Manager
System Center Microsoft System Center: Troubleshooting Configuration Manager
System Center What’s new in System Center 2016 White Paper
Virtualization Understanding Microsoft Virtualizaton R2 Solutions XPS
Windows Client Deploying Windows 10: Automating deployment by using System Center Configuration Manager
Windows Client Deploying Windows 10: Automating deployment by using System Center Configuration Manager – le
Windows Client Getting the most out of Microsoft Edge
Windows Client Introducing Windows 10 for IT Professionals
Windows Client Introducing Windows 10 for IT Professionals, Preview Edition
Windows Client Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals
Windows Client Introducing Windows 8: An Overview for IT Professionals
Windows Client Licensing Windows desktop operating system for use with virtual machines
Windows Client Protecting your data with Windows 10 BitLocker
Windows Client RAP as a Service for Windows Desktop
Windows Client Shortcut Keys for Windows 10
Windows Client Use Reset to restore your Windows 10 PC
Windows Client Volume Licensing Reference Guide Windows 10 Desktop Operating System
Windows Client Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials Support Secrets
Windows Client Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials Top 10 Tools
Windows Client Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials Top 10 Tools – le
Windows Client Work Smart: Windows 8 Shortcut Keys
Windows Server Automating Windows Server 2016 configuration with PowerShell and DSC
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2008 R2 XPS
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2012
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2016
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2016 – le
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview – le
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server® 2012 R2 Preview Release
Windows Server Offline Assessment for Active Directory
Windows Server RAP as a Service for Active Directory
Windows Server RAP as a Service for Failover Cluster
Windows Server RAP as a Service for Internet Information Services
Windows Server RAP as a Service for Windows Server Hyper-V
Windows Server Windows Server 2016 Licensing
Category Title Format
Azure Introducing Windows Azure™ for IT Professionals
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Azure Automation
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Azure Machine Learning
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Fundamentals of Azure
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition le
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure – le
Azure Microsoft Azure Essentials Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure 8.5X11
Azure Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute Guide
Azure Overview of Azure Active Directory
Azure Rapid Deployment Guide For Azure Rights Management
Azure Rethinking Enterprise Storage: A Hybrid Cloud Model
BizTalk BizTalk Server 2016 Licensing Datasheet
BizTalk BizTalk Server 2016 Management Pack Guide
Cloud Enterprise Cloud Strategy
Cloud Enterprise Cloud Strategy – le
Developer .NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications
Developer .NET Technology Guidance for Business Applications
Developer Building Cloud Apps with Microsoft Azure™: Best practices for DevOps, data storage, high availability, and more
Developer Containerized ker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools
Developer Creating le Apps with Xamarin.Forms, Preview Edition 2
Developer Creating le Apps with Xamarin.Forms: Cross-platform C# programming for iOS, Android, and Windows
Developer Managing Agile Open-Source Software Projects with Microsoft Visual Studio Online
Developer Microsoft Azure Essentials Azure Web Apps for Developers
Developer Microsoft Platform and Tools for le App Development
Developer Microsoft Platform and Tools for le App Development – le
Developer Moving to Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 XPS
Developer Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Developer Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Second Edition
Developer Programming Windows® Phone 7 (Special Excerpt 2) XPS
Developer Team Foundation Server to Visual Studio Team Services Migration Guide
Dynamics 5 cool things you can do with CRM for tablets
Dynamics Create Custom Analytics in Dynamics 365 with Power BI
Dynamics Create of Customize System Dashboards
Dynamics Create Your First CRM Marketing Campaign
Dynamics CRM Basics for Outlook basics
Dynamics CRM Basics for Sales Pros and Service Reps
Dynamics Give Great Customer Service with CRM
Dynamics Go le with CRM for Phones – Express
Dynamics Go le with CRM for Tablets
Dynamics Import Contacts into CRM
Dynamics Introducing Microsoft Social Engagement
Dynamics Introduction to Business Processes
Dynamics Meet Your Service Goals with SLAs and Entitlements
Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Interactive Service Hub User Guide
Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 On-Premises Volume Licensing and Pricing Guide
Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook Installing Guide for use with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CRM Resource Guide 2015
Dynamics Microsoft Social Engagement for CRM
Dynamics Product Overview and Capability Guide Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
Dynamics RAP as a Service for Dynamics CRM
Dynamics Set Up A Social Engagement Search For Your Product
Dynamics Social is for Closers
Dynamics Start Working in CRM
Dynamics Your Brand Sux
General 10 essential tips and tools for le working
General An employee’s guide to healthy computing
General Guide for People who have Language or Communication Disabilities
General Guide for People who have Learning Disabilities
Licensing Introduction to Per Core Licensing and Basic Definitions
Licensing Licensing Windows and Microsoft Office for use on the Macintosh
Licensing VLSC Software Assurance Guide
Licensing Windows Server 2016 and System Center 2016 Pricing and Licensing FAQs
Office Access 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Azure AD/Office 365 seamless sign-in
Office Content Encryption in Microsoft Office 365
Office Controlling Access to Office 365 and Protecting Content on Devices
Office Customize Word 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Data Resiliency in Microsoft Office 365
Office Excel 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Excel 2016 keyboard shortcuts and function keys
Office Excel Online Keyboard Shortcuts
Office File Protection Solutions in Office 365
Office First Look: Microsoft® Office 2010 XPS
Office Get Started With Microsoft OneDrive
Office Get Started With Microsoft Project Online
Office Getting started with MyAnalytics
Office How To Recover That Un-Saved Office ument
Office InfoPath 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook 2013 and 2016
Office Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word 2016 for Windows
Office Licensing Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus Subscription Service in Volume Licensing
Office Licensing Microsoft Office software in Volume Licensing
Office Microsoft Access 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Classroom Deployment
Office Microsoft Excel 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Excel 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Excel 2016 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Excel le Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Excel VLOOKUP Troubleshooting Tips
Office Microsoft OneNote 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft OneNote 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft OneNote 2016 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft OneNote 2016 Tips and Tricks
Office Microsoft OneNote le Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Outlook 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Outlook 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Outlook 2016 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Outlook 2016 Tips and Tricks
Office Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft PowerPoint le Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Project 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Publisher 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Visio 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Word 2013 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Word 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Word 2016 Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft Word le Quick Start Guide
Office Microsoft® Office 365: Connect and Collaborate Virtually Anywhere, Anytime
Office Monitoring and protecting sensitive data in Office 365
Office Office 365 Dedicated Platform vNext Service Release
Office Office 365 Licensing Brief
Office OneNote 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office OneNote Online Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Outlook 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Outlook Web App Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Own Your Future: Update Your Skills with Resources and Career Ideas from Microsoft® XPS
Office PowerPoint Online Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Project 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Publisher 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Security and Privacy For Microsoft Office 2010 Users
Office Security Incident Management in Microsoft Office 365
Office SharePoint Online Dedicated & OneDrive for Business Dedicated vNext Service Release
Office Skype for Business User Tips & Tricks for Anyone
Office Switching from Google Apps to Office 365 for business
Office Tenant Isolation in Microsoft Office 365
Office Visio 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Windows 10 Tips and Tricks
Office Word 2013 Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Word Online Keyboard Shortcuts
Office Working with SmartArt Graphics Keyboard Shortcuts
Power BI Ask, find, and act—harnessing the power of Cortana and Power BI
Power BI Bidirectional cross-filtering in SQL Server Analysis Services 2016 and Power BI Desktop
Power BI Configuring Power BI le apps with Microsoft Intune
Power BI Getting started with the Power BI for Android app
Power BI Getting Started with the Power BI for iOS app
Power BI How to plan capacity for embedded analytics with Power BI Premium
Power BI Introducing Microsoft Power BI
Power BI Introducing Microsoft Power BI – le
Power BI Microsoft Power BI Premium Whitepaper
Power BI Power BI le apps—enabling data analytics on the go
Power BI Propelling digital transformation in manufacturing operations with Power BI
Power BI Using Power BI to visualize data insights from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
PowerShell Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 PowerShell Users Guide
PowerShell PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment 3.0
PowerShell Simplify Group Policy administration with Windows PowerShell
PowerShell Windows PowerShell 3.0 Examples
PowerShell Windows PowerShell 3.0 Language Quick Reference
PowerShell Windows PowerShell 4.0 Language Reference Examples
PowerShell Windows PowerShell Command Builder User’s Guide
PowerShell Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Quick Reference
PowerShell Windows PowerShell Web Access
PowerShell WMI in PowerShell 3.0
PowerShell WMI in Windows PowerShell 4.0
SharePoint Configuring Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid Capabilities
SharePoint Configuring Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid Capabilities – le
SharePoint Deployment guide for Microsoft SharePoint 2013
SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Architectural Models
SharePoint Planning and Preparing for Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid – 8.5 X 11
SharePoint Planning and Preparing for Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid – le
SharePoint RAP as a Service for SharePoint Server
SharePoint SharePoint Online Dedicated Service Description
SharePoint SharePoint Products Keyboard Shortcuts
SharePoint SharePoint Server 2016 Databases – Quick Reference Guide
SharePoint SharePoint Server 2016 Quick Start Guide
SQL Server 5 Tips For A Smooth SSIS Upgrade to SQL Server 2012
SQL Server Backup and Restore of SQL Server Databases
SQL Server Data Science with Microsoft SQL Server 2016
SQL Server Deeper insights across data with SQL Server 2016 – Technical White Paper
SQL Server Deploying SQL Server 2016 PowerPivot and Power View in a Multi-Tier SharePoint 2016 Farm
SQL Server Deploying SQL Server 2016 PowerPivot and Power View in SharePoint 2016
SQL Server Guide to Migrating from Oracle to SQL Server 2014 and Azure SQL Database
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft Azure™ HDInsight™
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft Data Warehouse Fast Track for SQL Server 2016
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2016: Mission-Critical Applications, Deeper Insights, Hyperscale Cloud, Preview 2
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2016: Mission-Critical Applications, Deeper Insights, Hyperscale Cloud, Preview 2 – le
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft Technologies for Data Storage, Movement and Transformation
SQL Server Introducing Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 XPS
SQL Server Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Reviewer’s Guide
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Analysis Services – Data Mining Step-by-Step
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Analysis Services – Multidimensional Modeling Step-by-Step
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Reporting Services Quick Step-by-Step
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Writing Transact-SQL-Statements
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Licensing Guide
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Licensing Datasheet
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Licensing Guide
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Mission-Critical Performance Technical White Paper
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 New Innovations
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 SP1 Editions
SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server In-Memory OLTP and Columnstore Feature Comparison
SQL Server RAP as a Service for SQL Server
SQL Server SQLCAT’s Guide to: Relational Engine
SQL Server Xquery Language Reference
Surface Surface Book User Guide
Surface Surface Pro 4 User Guide
System Center Guide to Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services (Native Mode)
System Center Guide to System Center Management Pack for Windows Print Server 2016
System Center Introducing Microsoft System Center 2012 R2
System Center Microsoft System Center Building a Virtualized Network Solution, Second Edition
System Center Microsoft System Center Data Protection for the Hybrid Cloud
System Center Microsoft System Center Deploying Hyper-V with Software-Defined Storage & Networking
System Center Microsoft System Center Extending Operations Manager Reporting
System Center Microsoft System Center Introduction to Microsoft Automation Solutions
System Center Microsoft System Center Operations Manager Field Experience
System Center Microsoft System Center Software Update Management Field Experience
System Center Microsoft System Center: Building a Virtualized Network Solution
System Center Microsoft System Center: Cloud Management with App Controller
System Center Microsoft System Center: Configuration Manager Field Experience
System Center Microsoft System Center: Designing Orchestrator Runbooks
System Center Microsoft System Center: Integrated Cloud Platform
System Center Microsoft System Center: Network Virtualization and Cloud Computing
System Center Microsoft System Center: Optimizing Service Manager
System Center Microsoft System Center: Troubleshooting Configuration Manager
System Center What’s new in System Center 2016 White Paper
Virtualization Understanding Microsoft Virtualizaton R2 Solutions XPS
Windows Client Deploying Windows 10: Automating deployment by using System Center Configuration Manager
Windows Client Deploying Windows 10: Automating deployment by using System Center Configuration Manager – le
Windows Client Getting the most out of Microsoft Edge
Windows Client Introducing Windows 10 for IT Professionals
Windows Client Introducing Windows 10 for IT Professionals, Preview Edition
Windows Client Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals
Windows Client Introducing Windows 8: An Overview for IT Professionals
Windows Client Licensing Windows desktop operating system for use with virtual machines
Windows Client Protecting your data with Windows 10 BitLocker
Windows Client RAP as a Service for Windows Desktop
Windows Client Shortcut Keys for Windows 10
Windows Client Use Reset to restore your Windows 10 PC
Windows Client Volume Licensing Reference Guide Windows 10 Desktop Operating System
Windows Client Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials Support Secrets
Windows Client Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials Top 10 Tools
Windows Client Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials Top 10 Tools – le
Windows Client Work Smart: Windows 8 Shortcut Keys
Windows Server Automating Windows Server 2016 configuration with PowerShell and DSC
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2008 R2 XPS
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2012
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2016
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2016 – le
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview – le
Windows Server Introducing Windows Server® 2012 R2 Preview Release
Windows Server Offline Assessment for Active Directory
Windows Server RAP as a Service for Active Directory
Windows Server RAP as a Service for Failover Cluster
Windows Server RAP as a Service for Internet Information Services
Windows Server RAP as a Service for Windows Server Hyper-V
Windows Server Windows Server 2016 Licensing
quarta-feira, 12 de julho de 2017
Vulnerabilidades Microsoft (11/07)
Fala galera, a Microsoft liberou ontem 11/07 uma lista com uma série de vulnerabilidades nos seus sistemas (possibilidade de ransomware grave), todo mundo correndo para corrigir, segue a lista:
terça-feira, 11 de julho de 2017
IX PTT Fórum Regional (SP)
Pessoal, agora no dia 14/07 o Nic.BR irá realizar o encontro dos sistemas autônomos do Brasil, um evento realizado anualmente que trás diversas palestras e conteúdos para galera de provedores, órgãos públicos, entidades acadêmicas, associações, entre outros importantes atores envolvidos com a Internet, inclusive para quem se conecta ou quer trocar tráfego com o PTT SP.
Segue a agenda:
Vale a pena participar, abraços pessoal.
quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2017
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