terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2017

CCNP Data Center novas provas

Bom pessoal, hoje pela manhã a Cisco informou que as provas do CCPN-DC serão renovadas passando da versão 5.0 para a 6.0, a boa noticia é que ao invés de 6 provas, agora serão 5 provas para conseguir o titulo de CCNP Data Center:

Os exames da versão 5.0 só poderão ser marcados até 3 de julho de 2017, então se você está no meio dos estudos para alguma das provas, é melhor correr.

Segue os tópicos dos novos exames:

Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (300-175)
1.0 Implement Cisco Unified Computing 28%
1.1 Install Cisco Unified Computing platforms
1.1.a Stand-alone computing
1.1.b Chassis / blade
1.1.c Modular / server cartridges
1.1.d Server integration
1.2 Implement server abstraction technologies
1.2.a Service profiles
1.2.a [i] Pools
1.2.a [ii] Policies
1.2.a [ii].1 Connectivity
1.2.a [ii].2 Placement policy
1.2.a [ii].3 Remote boot policies
1.2.a [iii] Templates
1.2.a [iii].1 Policy hierarchy
1.2.a [iii].2 Initial vs updating

2.0 Unified Computing Maintenance and Operations 20%
2.1 Implement firmware upgrades, packages, and interoperability
2.2 Implement backup operations
2.3 Implement monitoring
2.3.a Logging
2.3.b SNMP
2.3.c Call Home
2.3.d NetFlow
2.3.e Monitoring session

3.0 Automation 12%
3.1 Implement integration of centralized management
3.2 Compare and contrast different scripting tools
3.2.a SDK
3.2.b XML

4.0 Unified Computing Security 13%
4.1 Implement AAA and RBAC
4.2 Implement key management

5.0 Unified Computing Storage 27%
5.1 Implement iSCSI
5.1.a Multipath
5.1.b Addressing schemes
5.2 Implement Fibre Channel port channels
5.3 Implement Fibre Channel protocol services
5.3.a Zoning
5.3.b Device alias
5.3.c VSAN
5.4 Implement FCoE
5.4.a FIP
5.4.b FCoE topologies
5.4.c DCB
5.5 Implement boot from SAN
5.5.a FCoE / Fiber Channel
5.5.b iSCSI

Implementing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (300-165)
1.0 Implement Data Center Protocols 29%
1.1 Implement vPC
1.2 Implement FabricPath
1.2.a Segment ID
1.2.b Distributed gateway, anycast HSRP
1.2.c Multiprotocol BGP
1.2.d vPC+
1.3 Implement VXLAN
1.3.a Distributed gateway
1.3.b Multiprotocol-BGP-EVPN
1.3.c vPC
1.4 Implement OTV
1.5 Implement LISP

2.0 Implement Routing and Switching Protocols 22%
2.1 Implement routing protocols
2.1.a OSPFv2, OSPFv3
2.1.b IS-IS
2.1.c PIM
2.1.d FHRP
2.1.d [i] HSRP
2.1.d [ii] VRRP
2.2 Implement switching protocols
2.2.a STP
2.2.b LACP/port channel
2.2.c FEX, VNTAG

3.0 Data Center Infrastructure Maintenance, Management, and Operations 14%
3.1 Plan and execute software updates
3.1.a Disruptive / nondisruptive
3.1.b EPLD
3.2 Implement configuration management
3.2.a Backups / restore
3.2.b Checkpoints /rollback
3.3 Implement infrastructure monitoring
3.3.a Logging
3.3.b SNMP
3.3.c Call Home
3.3.d NetFlow
3.3.e SPAN
3.4 Configure time synchronization
3.4.a PTP
3.4.b NTP

4.0 Data Center Infrastructure Security 12%
4.1 Implement ACLs
4.2 Implement AAA and RBAC
4.3 Implement keychain authentication
4.4 Implement first-hop security
4.4.a Dynamic ARP inspections
4.4.b DHCP snooping
4.4.c Unicast RPF
4.4.d MACsec
4.4.e Port security
4.5 Implement CoPP
4.6 Implement fabric binding and port security

5.0 Infrastructure Storage 23%
5.1 Implement Fibre Channel fabric
5.1.a Switched fabric initialization
5.1.b Port channels, ISL
5.1.c FCID
5.1.d FCIP
5.2 Implement Fibre Channel Protocol services
5.2.a Zoning
5.2.b Cisco Fabric Services
5.2.c FCNS
5.2.d Device alias
5.2.e VSAN
5.2.f FSPF
5.3 Implement FCoE Unified Fabric
5.3.a Storage VDC
5.3.b FIP
5.3.c FCoE topologies
5.3.d DCB

Implementing Cisco Data Center Virtualization and Automation (300-170)
1.0 Implement Infrastructure Virtualization 19%
1.1 Implement logical device separation
1.1.a VDC
1.1.b VRF
1.2 Implement virtual switching technologies

2.0 Implement Infrastructure Automation 16%
2.1 Implement configuration profiles
2.1.a Auto-config
2.1.b Port profiles
2.1.c Configuration synchronization
2.2 Implement POAP
2.3 Compare and contrast different scripting tools
2.3.a EEM
2.3.b Scheduler
2.3.c SDK

3.0 Implementing Application Centric Infrastructure 27%
3.1 Configure fabric discovery parameters
3.2 Implement access policies
3.2.a Policy groups
3.2.b Protocol policies
3.2.b [i[ LLDP, CDP, LCAP, and link-level
3.2.c AEP
3.2.d Domains
3.2.e Pools
3.2.f Profiles
3.2.f [i] Switch
3.2.f [ii] Interface
3.3 Implement VMM domain integrations
3.4 Implement tenant-based policies
3.4.a EPGs
3.4.a [i] Pathing
3.4.a [ii] Domains
3.4.b Contracts
3.4.b [i] Consumer
3.4.b [ii] Providers
3.4.b [iii] vzAny (TCAM conservation)
3.4.b [iv] Inter-tenant
3.4.c Private networks
3.4.c [i] Enforced/unenforced
3.4.d Bridge domains
3.4.d [i] Unknown unicast settings
3.4.d [ii] ARP settings
3.4.d [iii] Unicast routing

4.0 Implementing Application Centric Infrastructure Network Resources 25%
4.1 Implement external network integration
4.1.a External bridge network
4.1.b External routed network
4.2 Implement packet flow
4.2.a Unicast
4.2.b Multicast
4.2.c Broadcast
4.2.d Endpoint database
4.3 Describe service insertion and redirection
4.3.a Device packages
4.3.b Service graphs
4.3.c Function profiles

5.0 Implementing Application Centric Infrastructure Management and Monitoring 13%
5.1 Implement management
5.1.a In-band management
5.1.b Out-of-band management
5.2 Implement monitoring
5.2.a SNMP
5.2.b Atomic counters
5.2.c Health score evaluations
5.3 Implement security domains and role mapping
5.3.a AAA
5.3.b RBAC
5.4 Compare and contrast different scripting tools
5.4.a SDK
5.4.b API Inspector / XML

Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (300-160)
1.0 Data Center Network Connectivity Design 24%
1.1 Evaluate options for Layer 2 connectivity to meet deployment requirements in the data center
1.1.a Endpoint mobility
1.1.b Redundancy / high availability
1.1.c Convergence
1.1.d Services insertion
1.2 Evaluate options for Layer 3 connectivity to meet deployment requirements in the data center
1.2.a IP mobility
1.2.b Redundancy / high availability
1.2.b [i] Graceful restart / NSF
1.2.c Convergence
1.2.d Services insertion
1.2.d [i] Load balancing
1.2.d [ii] Security

2.0 Data Center Infrastructure Design 21%
2.1 Evaluate data center protocols to meet deployment requirements
2.1.a Fabric Path
2.1.b OTV
2.1.c VXLAN
2.1.d LISP
2.1.e VPC/VPC+
2.2 Evaluate options for orchestration and management in a data center
2.2.a Orchestration and automation
2.2.b Out-of-band management network
2.2.c License management
2.3 Evaluate options for device and routing virtualization in a data center
2.3.a VDC
2.3.b VRF
2.4 Evaluate options for interconnecting data centers

3.0 Data Center Storage Network Design 21%
3.1 Plan for iSCSI deployment in the data center
3.1.a Multipathing
3.1.b Addressing schemes
3.2 Evaluate QoS requirements in the data center
3.2.a Fibre Channel
3.2.b FCoE
3.2.c FCIP
3.2.d iSCSI
3.3 Determine FCoE/ Fibre Channel interface parameters based on data center requirements
3.3.a Dedicated and shared mode
3.3.b Port types
3.3.c ISL
3.3.d Oversubscription
3.4 Evaluate SAN Topology options in the data center
3.4.a Fabric redundancy
3.4.b NPV, NPIV, and FCF
3.4.c Load balancing

4.0 Data Center Compute Connectivity Design 19%
4.1 Evaluate options for Ethernet connectivity to meet deployment requirements in a data center
4.1.a Redundancy / high availability
4.1.b Bandwidth
4.1.b [i] Over subscription
4.1.c Fabric interconnect operation mode
4.1.c [i] Switch mode
4.1.c [ii] End host mode
4.2 Evaluate options for storage connectivity to meet deployment requirements in a data center
4.2.a Multipathing
4.2.b Bandwidth
4.2.b [i] Port channels
4.2.b [ii] Oversubscription
4.2.c Fabric interconnect operation mode
4.2.c [i] Switch mode
4.2.c [ii] End host mode
4.2.d Direct-attached storage
4.2.d [i] Appliance port
4.2.d [ii] Fibre Channel storage port
4.2.d [iii] FCoE port

5.0 Data Center Compute Resource Parameters Design 15%
5.1 Evaluate options for orchestration and automation in the data center
5.1.a Service profile templates
5.1.b vNIC templates
5.1.c vHBA templates
5.1.d Global policies vs local policies
5.2 Evaluate options for management network in a data center
5.2.a In-band
5.2.b Out-of-band
5.3 Evaluate options for network device virtualization in a data center
5.3.a Cisco VIC adaptors
5.3.a [i] Number of interfaces vs IOM uplinks
5.3.a [ii] vCon placement policies
5.3.a [iii] Ethernet adaptor policies
5.3.a [iv] Fibre Channel policies

Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (300-180)
1.0 Troubleshooting Data Network Protocols 26%
1.1 Troubleshoot data center protocols
1.1.a VPC
1.1.b Fabric path
1.1.b [i] Segment ID
1.1.b [ii] Distributed gateway, anycast HSRP
1.1.b [iii] MBGP
1.1.b [iv] vPC+
1.1.c VXLAN
1.1.c [i] Distributed gateway
1.1.c [ii] MBGP EVPN
1.1.c [iii] VPC
1.1.d OTV
1.1.e LISP
1.2 Troubleshoot routing protocols
1.2.a OSPFv2, OSPFv3
1.2.b IS-IS
1.2.c PIM
1.2.d FHRP
1.2.d [i] HSRP
1.2.d [ii] VRRP
1.3 Troubleshoot switching protocols
1.3.a STP
1.3.b LACP/port channel
1.3.c FEX, VNTAG

2.0 Troubleshooting Network Virtualization and Automation 13%
2.1 Troubleshoot logical device separation
2.1.a VDC
2.1.b VRF
2.2 Troubleshoot virtual switching technologies
2.3 Troubleshoot configuration profiles
2.3.a Auto-config
2.3.b Port profiles
2.3.c Configuration synchronization

3.0 Troubleshooting Application Centric Infrastructure 13%
3.1 Troubleshoot fabric discovery process
3.2 Troubleshoot VMM domain integration
3.3 Troubleshoot tenant-based policies
3.3.a EPGs
3.3.a [i] Pathing
3.3.a [ii] Domains
3.3.b Contracts
3.3.b [i] Consumer
3.3.b [ii] Providers
3.3.b [iii] Inter-tenant
3.3.c Private networks
3.3.c [i] Enforced/unenforced
3.3.d Bridge domains
3.3.d [i] Unknown unicast settings
3.3.d [ii] ARP settings
3.3.d [iii] Unicast routing
3.4 Troubleshoot external network integration
3.4.a External bridge network
3.4.b External routed network
3.5 Troubleshoot packet flow
3.5.a Unicast
3.5.b Multicast
3.5.c Broadcast
3.5.d Endpoint database
3.6 Troubleshoot security domains and role mapping
3.6.a AAA
3.6.b RBAC

4.0 Troubleshooting Data Center Storage 17%
4.1 Troubleshoot Fibre Channel
4.1.a Switched fabric initialization
4.1.b Fibre Channel buffer credit starvation
4.1.c FCID
4.2 Troubleshoot Fibre Channel protocol services
4.2.a Zoning
4.2.b FCNS
4.2.c VSAN
4.2.d FSPF
4.3 Troubleshoot FCoE
4.3.a Storage VDC
4.3.b FIP
4.3.c FCoE topologies
4.3.d DCB
4.4 Troubleshoot boot from SAN
4.4.a FCoE / Fibre Channel
4.4.b iSCSI
4.4.c Multipath
4.5 Troubleshoot FCoE/FC interface parameters
4.5.a Dedicated and shared mode
4.5.b Port types
4.5.c Port channels, ISL
4.6 Troubleshoot SAN technologies
4.6.a Fabric redundancy
4.6.b NPV, NPIV, FCF

5.0 Troubleshooting Data Center Compute Platforms 21%
5.1 Troubleshoot Cisco computing platforms
5.1.a Stand-alone computing
5.1.b Chassis/blade
5.1.c Modular / server cartridges
5.1.d Server integration
5.2 Troubleshoot hardware interoperability
5.2.a Converged Network Adapters / port expanders
5.2.b Firmware
5.2.c I/O modules / FEX
5.2.d Fabric interconnects
5.3 Troubleshoot packet flow from server to the fabric
5.4 Troubleshoot server abstraction technologies
5.4.a Service profiles
5.4.a [i] Pools
5.4.a [ii] Policies  
5.4.a [ii] 1 Connectivity
5.4.a [ii] 2 Placement policy
5.4.a [ii] 3 Remote boot policies

6.0 Troubleshooting Data Center Management and Operations 10%
6.1 Troubleshoot firmware upgrades, packages, and interoperability
6.2 Troubleshoot integration of centralized management
6.3 Troubleshooting data center LAN and SAN security
6.3.a Troubleshoot fabric binding and port security
6.3.b Troubleshoot AAA and RBAC
6.3.c Troubleshoot first-hop security
6.3.c [i] Dynamic ARP inspections
6.3.c [ii] DHCP snooping
6.3.c [iii] Unicast RPF
6.3.c [iv] MACsec
6.3.c [v] Port security
6.3.d Troubleshoot CoPP
6.3.e Troubleshoot ACLs
6.4 Troubleshoot data center compute security
6.4.a Troubleshoot AAA and RBAC
6.4.b Troubleshoot key management

Galera, acho que talvez o valor gasto nas tracks CCNA DC e CCNP DC compense mais ir direto para o CCIE DC (2 provas).


2 comentários:

  1. Não entendi, na sua opinião, fazer essas certificações não valeria pelo custo, é isso?

    1. Exatamente, cara o ccna dc são 2 provas ($600 + $1250 do CCNP completo =1800k) já a prova do CCIE DC wr = $400 e a prática = $1600 =2000k se não me engano, obvio que não tem comparação em nível de dificuldade, mas é uma boa questão pra se pensar :)
