terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2015

GNS 1.4 lançado (com suporte a VMware)

Pessoal, agora a tarde acabou de ser lançado a nova versão do GNS3 que agora contará com suporte à VMware (antes era suportado a integração apenas com o Virtual Box), como ainda não testei, segue o post do Jeremy (criador) do que mudou:

VMware support

VMware VMs can be added to your projects in the same way as VirtualBox VMs. However, VMware doesn't make GNS3's job easy and the setup process is going to be critical to successfully have your VMs work. Please not that VMware Fusion is not supported at the moment and only VMware Player and Workstation version 11 on Windows and Linux have been tested.
We recommend using VMware Workstation over Player if you can afford it. Player is fine but requires a bit more setup time because you must also install the VIX API which include the vmrun tool allowing GNS3 to control the VMs.

Installing VMware Workstation should be painless. VMware Player Pro can also be used but don't forget to install the VIX API after.
Once installed, you must create additional vmnet interfaces which will be used by your VMware VMs to communicate with other devices running in GNS3.
You can manually add these interfaces using the VMware Network Configuration tool however to make your like simpler we have created script that will automatically add the vmnet interfaces. The script named "VMnet Manager" can be found in the GNS3 install directory and via the "Start" menu, it must be run as an Administrator (Right-click, choose "Run as administrator"). Once started you will be presented with a menu, then select option 1 which will add the vmnet interface 2 to 19 (this can take a while, please be patient).
Once the interfaces are added please reboot Windows so the winpcap service can discover the new interfaces.
The big limitation on Windows is that you are limited to 19 vmnet interfaces in total (minus the default vmnet1 and vmnet8 that we don't touch), which means you should be very careful of how many VMs with how many interface you use. For instance, if I use 2 VMs with 3 interfaces each (connected or not), I will have used 6 vmnet interfaces.
Please note that due to a bug with ubridge it is not possible to dynamically add/remove links to/from a VM. This will be fixed in a future release.

Same requirement as on Windows, additional vmnet interfaces must be added. We also provide a script to make your life easier, the script named gns3vmnet is installed in your PATH when you install the gns3-server (python3 setup.py install). The script must be run as root.
To list the existing vmnet interfaces:
$ sudo gns3vmnet -l
Executing the script will simply add vmnet10 to vmnet99 automatically:
$ sudo gns3vmnet
Adding vmnet10...
Adding vmnet11...
Adding vmnet99...
Stopped Bridged networking on vmnet0
Stopped DHCP service on vmnet1
Disabled hostonly virtual adapter on vmnet1
Stopped DHCP service on vmnet8
Stopped NAT service on vmnet8
Disabled hostonly virtual adapter on vmnet8
Stopped all configured services on all networks
Started Bridge networking on vmnet0
Enabled hostonly virtual adapter on vmnet1
Started DHCP service on vmnet1
Started NAT service on vmnet8
Enabled hostonly virtual adapter on vmnet8
Started DHCP service on vmnet8
Enabled hostonly virtual adapter on vmnet10
Enabled hostonly virtual adapter on vmnet11
Enabled hostonly virtual adapter on vmnet99
Started all configured services on all networks

It is possible to specify a range or to remove all added vmnet interfaces:

$ gns3vmnet --help
usage: gns3vmnet [-h] [-r RANGE [RANGE ...]] [-C] [-l]

gns3vmnet add/remove vmnet interfaces

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RANGE [RANGE ...], --range RANGE [RANGE ...]
                        vmnet range to add (default is 10 100)
  -C, --clean           remove all vmnets excepting vmnet1 and vmnet8
  -l, --list            list all existing vmnets
Finally, Linux users must install the ubridge tool available on https://github.com/GNS3/ubridge. Hopefully, we can provided a GNS3 Debian package soon that will install that dependency for you.

Official GNS3 VM

The introduction of an official GNS3 VM is a major step in the new direction we are taking for GNS3: leveraging Linux technologies like KVM, Docker, Openvswitch etc. and more importantly the reliability and performance of that platform. This will also tremendously help Windows and Mac OS X users to run things like ASA and to create labs that work everywhere.
The VM is easy to upgrade and supports IOU, Dynamips, Qemu and VPCS. Docker will be supported in another release. The VM is meant to run on VMware (even Fusion) or VirtualBox. We recommended using VMware if your intend to use Qemu VMs because VMware is the only virtualization software that supports nested-virtualization which allow KVM to work inside the VM.

Daemon support

This adds the possibility to run the GNS3 server as a real daemon on Unix OSes, making it easier to start and monitor the server using system tools.
Use the following command to start the server as a deamon: python gns3server/main.py --daemon --log /var/log/gns3.log --pid /var/run/gsn3.pid
The server will be started and it will check if another gns3server process is not running.

Remote packet captures
In version 1.4, packet captures can be started on devices running on remote server or in the GNS3 VM and the capture seen in real time by your local Wireshark software.

This is not a visible change for most users. In this release our GUI is upgraded to use QT5 and PyQt5. One major reason for the upgrade is that QT4 doesn't support Retina and other high DPI displays. Qt5 also bring some interesting improvements that we will leverage if needed.
Qt4 will still work but won't be officially supported by the GNS3 team.

We know the following OS/distribution support PyQT5:

OSX (provided by us)
Windows (provided by us)
Debian Jessie: Debian -- Package Search Results -- python3-pyqt5
Ubuntu 14.04 and later: Ubuntu – Package Search Results -- python3-pyqt5
Arch Linux https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/python-pyqt5/
Gentoo: Gentoo Packages /package/dev-python/PyQt5
Fedora 21 and later: Package python-qt5

Management of remote device images
In 1.4 you will no longer need to remember the name of an image file path on remote servers. You will be able to select one from a combo box.Also, you no longer need to use the HTML form to send images to a remote server, you can just add it from the GUI and GNS3 will upload it on the remote server for you.

Wizard to create Qemu images
Thanks to boen_robot, creating Qemu disk images from scratch is a lot simpler now. Disk images can be created standalone from the Tools menu and from within the Qemu VM wizard.

Backup a remote project
We have added an option to backup a project from a remote server (or the GNS3 VM).

Notifications will be received by the GUI when an emulator on the server unexpectedly stop for some reason along with details about the crash, this will be very useful to understand why a device refuse to start.

SSH server support
As a part of Rackspace support we have started to implement the connection to a remote server via an SSH tunnel. This allow you to run the server part of GNS3 on a distant server without exposing your GNS3 server to everyone or having to use a VPN

Import/Export for IOU nvrams
Thanks Bernhard Ehlers, IOU devices support startup-configs and private-configs just like Dynamips based IOS routers.
SSL and authentication
HTTPS can be used for client-server communications and user and a password can be set to access servers.

Custom symbol support
You can now use your own symbols in GNS3 (SVG, PNG, JPEG, BMP, XPM etc. are supported).

Custom port names
You can now change the port names in the Qemu, VirtualBox and VMware VM templates. A specific management interface name for the first port is also supported.
VNC support for Qemu

VNC can be used to control Qemu VMs. The TightVNC client has been added to the Windows all-in-one package and will be automatically used on this platform.

In-software upgrade support

You can make minor upgrade of the OSX and Windows applications directly from GNS3 without re-downloading and installing a new complete package, we download only our core code which means amount of files to download is kept small.

Other improvements

Thanks to boen_robot, now when you double click on a node, the node properties dialog is displayed.
Second enhancement contributed by boen_robot to delete multiple VM templates from the preferences.

Third enhancement contributed by boen_robot. The device list is hidden if you have selected only one device when opening the node properties dialog.

The gns3_gui.conf configuration file can be updated when the application is running. It will automatically be reloaded.
Doubleclicking on a label allows you to change the node name.
ACPI shutdown is supported for Qemu and Virtualbox.
Check for project corruption: a warning will be displayed if the content of your project file is invalid. This should help us to detect broken projects due user changes or third party tool changes.
IPv6 support in the GNS3 server.
Option to drop nvram & disk files for IOS routers in order to save disk space.
The Qemu module has a new KVM option which will force KVM to be used to run Qemu VMs.
Snapshots names are more readable when using the charcoal style.
There is a new icon for VPCS devices.
The Qemu architecture used when creating a Qemu VM is stored in project files. It is used if the Qemu binary cannot be found, making is easier to move projects between OSes.
This GUI can be killed from the command line using CTRL+C for instance. GNS3 will be closed gracefully.
Image MD5 checksums are stored in project files This will be used in the future to search for missing images when moving a projects between hosts.
If an binary image is missing on a remote server but exists on your computer, the GUI will ask you if you want to upload it.
We implemented a setup wizard to help new users to configure GNS3.
Both the server and GUI have a new --config option, allowing users to change the configuration file used by GNS3.
New option "Show in file manager" will open a VM directory with your default file manager.

Breaking changes

Python 3.3
Python 3.3 is no longer supported, it should not be an issue because all major Linux distributions provide Python 3.4. We prefer to drop Python 3.3 because a lot of bugs exists in the standard libraries used by GNS3 such as asyncio. This is not a concern for Windows and Mac OS X users since we control what Python version is used.

Only Qt5 is officially supported, GNS3 will fallback to Qt4 if Qt5 is not installed but it's not battle tested. This should not be an issue for most recent Linux distribution. This is not a concern for Windows and Mac OS X users since we distribute the Qt library.

The IOUVM is no longer supported, you will have to replace it by the GNS3 VM. The GNS3 VM supports more emulators and has self upgrade functions. The pip upgrade of the IOU VM should work as usual but no new version of the VM will be released.

Also, you will need a new IOU license since the GNS3 VM hostname is different from the IOU VM.
Windows 32-bit support

Starting with version 1.3, we have decided to drop the Windows 32-bit support. This is extensively explained in this post Should we drop Windows 32-bit support in GNS3 1.4?
The 1.3.x which is currently our stable branch will continue to support Windows 32-bit.

We replaced symbols files THESYMBOL.normal.svg and THESYMBOL.selected.svg by just one symbol, the hovering/selecting effect is done differently. The conversion is automatic but a custom symbol can't work in GNS3 1.3.x

Configuration files for Mac OS X

The location of the configuration file is now ~/.config/GNS3. It's the same path as Linux and the migration is automatic.
288 Visualizações  Categorias:  Rótulos: 1.4.0alpha1Conteúdo marcado com 1.4.0alpha1
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Vou baixar para testar assim que tiver tempo :)


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