Fala galera beleza?
Para finalizar bem o ano a Juniper liberou mais um treinamento para o próximo ano, se trata do JNCIA-SEC: que chega no mesmo formato das certificações do programa (curso online, webcasts, simulados e voucher grátis):
Segue mais informações do programa e da certificação:
Webcasts: Juniper Open Learning JNCIA-SEC features webcasts where you can discuss the course material with subject matter experts. Webcasts will be delivered through Adobe Connect. You should connect to the webcast using the following URL:
Adobe URL https://juniperu.adobeconnect.com/juniperopenlearning/
Enter the webcasts as a Guest: These webcasts are not lectures of course materials. They are an opportunity for your instructor to highlight key concepts and provide information that enhances the value of the course materials. You should attend the webcasts having read the materials and be prepared to ask questions.
Date and times for the webcasts will be provided closer to the start of your Open Learning session.
Course Modules:The Juniper Open Learning: JNCIA-SEC program is based on the content from the Introduction to Junos Security (IJSEC) course. The modules are available in Junos Genius (www.junosgenius.net). Please begin reviewing the modules before the first webcast.
Certification Voucher: A component of Open Learning is a free Juniper Networks certification voucher. Students will only be issued a certification voucher if they meet all requirements of the program which will be shared closer to the start of your session.
CANCELLATION PROCEDURE: If you need to cancel, log into the Juniper Networks Learning Portal and, from the home page, scroll to the very bottom. Look for the section entitled "My Upcoming Training" and click on the appropriate course. Once on the course page you will find the Cancel button
Event Information
Starting: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 7:00 AM PST
Ending: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 5:00 PM PST
Language: English
Subject: Juniper Open Learning Webcast
Location: Online
Facilitator: Juniper Networks
Registration Limit: 800
Number Currently Registered: 166
Registration Deadline: 1/31/2020 11:00 PM (E. South America Standard Time)
Segue a agenda dos treinamentos/webcasts:
Link para registro:
Já garanti a minhas inscrição.
Abraços pessoal
Obrigado pela dica Diego !
ResponderExcluirJá me increvi, que tal juntarmos uma galera e montar um grupo de estudos ?
Acho boa idéia
ResponderExcluirEu topo um grupo de estudos. Vou me inscrever tb