quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2021

Azure Network Engineer Associate


Fala galera beleza?

Hoje a Microsoft anunciou que irá expandir o portfólio de certificações associate e irá adicionar  uma certificação especifica para  engenheiros de rede no mundo da Azure, é a Azure Network Engineer Associate, se trata de  uma nova prova que irá abordar os principais assuntos voltados à network no exame, como load balancers, express routing, VPN, DNS, design e gerencia das soluções Azure.

A prova terá também um beta test que ficará disponível na segunda metade de julho:

Geralmente a prova beta da Microsoft fica no valor de 20% da prova real, sendo que a prova original irá custar 100 dólares, podemos esperar a prova em 20 dólares mais ou menos, se  torna uma  opção bem viável para quem quer realizar nos tempos de dólar a 5 reais.

O exame irá cobrir o seguinte blueprint:

Design, Implement, and Manage Hybrid Networking (10–15%)

Design, implement, and manage a site-to-site VPN connection

- design a site-to-site VPN connection for high availability

- select an appropriate virtual network (VNet) gateway SKU

- identify when to use policy-based VPN versus route-based VPN

- create and configure a local network gateway

- create and configure an IPsec/IKE policy

- create and configure a virtual network gateway

- diagnose and resolve VPN gateway connectivity issues

Design, implement, and manage a point-to-site VPN connection

- select an appropriate virtual network gateway SKU

- plan and configure RADIUS authentication

- plan and configure certificate-based authentication

- plan and configure OpenVPN authentication

- plan and configure Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication

- implement a VPN client configuration file

- diagnose and resolve client-side and authentication issues

Design, implement, and manage Azure ExpressRoute

- choose between provider and direct model (ExpressRoute Direct)

- design and implement Azure cross-region connectivity between multiple ExpressRoute


- select an appropriate ExpressRoute SKU and tier

- design and implement ExpressRoute Global Reach

- design and implement ExpressRoute FastPath

- choose between private peering only, Microsoft peering only, or both

- configure private peering

- configure Microsoft peering

- create and configure an ExpressRoute gateway

- connect a virtual network to an ExpressRoute circuit

- recommend a route advertisement configuration

- configure encryption over ExpressRoute

- implement Bidirectional Forwarding Detection

- diagnose and resolve ExpressRoute connection issues

Design and Implement Core Networking Infrastructure (20–25%)

Design and implement private IP addressing for VNets

- create a VNet

- plan and configure subnetting for services, including VNet gateways, private endpoints,

firewalls, application gateways, and VNet-integrated platform services

- plan and configure subnet delegation

Design and implement name resolution

- design public DNS zones

- design private DNS zones

- design name resolution inside a VNet

- configure a public or private DNS zone

- link a private DNS zone to a VNet

Design and implement cross-VNet connectivity

- design service chaining, including gateway transit

- design VPN connectivity between VNets

- implement VNet peering

Design and implement an Azure Virtual WAN architecture

- design an Azure Virtual WAN architecture, including selecting SKUs and services

- connect a VNet gateway to Azure Virtual WAN

- create a hub in Virtual WAN

- create a network virtual appliance (NVA) in a virtual hub

- configure virtual hub routing

- create a connection unit

Design and Implement Routing (25–30%)

Design, implement, and manage VNet routing

- design and implement user-defined routes (UDRs)

- associate a route table with a subnet

- configure forced tunneling

- diagnose and resolve routing issues

Design and implement an Azure Load Balancer

- choose an Azure Load Balancer SKU (Basic versus Standard)

- choose between public and internal

- create and configure an Azure Load Balancer (including cross-region)

- implement a load balancing rule

- create and configure inbound NAT rules

- create explicit outbound rules for a load balancer

Design and implement Azure Application Gateway

- recommend Azure Application Gateway deployment options

- choose between manual and autoscale

- create a back-end pool

- configure health probes

- configure listeners

- configure routing rules

- configure HTTP settings

- configure Transport Layer Security (TLS)

- configure rewrite policies

Implement Azure Front Door

- choose an Azure Front Door SKU

- configure health probes, including customization of HTTP response codes

- configure SSL termination and end-to-end SSL encryption

- configure multisite listeners

- configure back-end targets

- configure routing rules, including redirection rules

Implement an Azure Traffic Manager profile

- configure a routing method (mode)

- configure endpoints

- create HTTP settings

Design and implement an Azure Virtual Network NAT

- choose when to use a Virtual Network NAT

- allocate public IP or public IP prefixes for a NAT gateway

- associate a Virtual Network NAT with a subnet

Secure and Monitor Networks (15–20%)

Design, implement, and manage an Azure Firewall deployment

- design an Azure Firewall deployment

- create and implement an Azure Firewall deployment

- configure Azure Firewall rules

- create and implement Azure Firewall Manager policies

- create a secure hub by deploying Azure Firewall inside an Azure Virtual WAN hub

- integrate an Azure Virtual WAN hub with a third-party NVA

Implement and manage network security groups (NSGs)

- create an NSG

- associate an NSG to a resource

- create an application security group (ASG)

- associate an ASG to a NIC

- create and configure NSG rules

- interpret NSG flow logs

- validate NSG flow rules

- verify IP flow

Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF) deployment

- configure detection or prevention mode

- configure rule sets for Azure Front Door, including Microsoft managed and user defined

- configure rule sets for Application Gateway, including Microsoft managed and user


- implement a WAF policy

- associate a WAF policy

Monitor networks

- configure network health alerts and logging by using Azure Monitor

- create and configure a Connection Monitor instance

- configure and use Traffic Analytics

- configure NSG flow logs

- enable and configure diagnostic logging

- configure Azure Network Watcher

Design and Implement Private Access to Azure Services (10–15%)

Design and implement Azure Private Link service and Azure Private Endpoint

- create a Private Link service

- plan private endpoints

- create private endpoints

- configure access to private endpoints

- integrate Private Link with DNS

- integrate a Private Link service with on-premises clients

Design and implement service endpoints

- create service endpoints

- configure service endpoint policies

- configure service tags

- configure access to service endpoints

Configure VNet integration for dedicated platform as a service (PaaS) services

- configure App Service for regional VNet integration

- configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for regional VNet integration

- configure clients to access App Service Environment

Segue as postagens originais:



Assim que ficar disponível vou me cadastrar para fazer a prova beta, qualquer coisa vou atualizando pelo blog, abraços pessoal!

2 comentários:

  1. Fala Diego, blz?
    Qual material você vai utilizar para estudar? Não tenho experiencia em Cloud, então, precisaria de dicas.
    Muito obrigado pelo conteúdo.

    1. Opa blz cara? assim que agendar a prova vou começar a coletar os materiais e verificar os cursos, porém como é uma prova Beta provávelmente não teremos muita coisa, vms ter que estudar pelo blueprint da prova, abraços!
