Fala galera beleza?
A AWS está trazendo o Cloud Practitioner challenge, na verdade se trata de um programa para disponibilizar o treinamento gratuito para a prova e + 50% de desconto no voucher para realizar o exame pela PSI, o programa acaba no dia 30 de setembro e a prova deve ser realizada até o fim de 2022.
A certificação original está custando 100 dólares, e com o programa você paga apenas 50 dólares (ajuda a diminuir o impacto da conversão do dólar para o real que está mais de 5.20).
Segue a postagem original e o link para cadastro:
You’re invited to join the challenge, where you’ll set a goal for getting AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner in 2022. Just follow the recommended preparation path to help you earn your AWS Certification. Start with free training from AWS, including live and on-demand sessions on Twitch, designed to help you prepare.
By signing up, you’ll be eligible for a 50% discount on the exam for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner when you schedule your exam with PSI.* This challenge ends September 30, 2022, so sign up today to get AWS Certified before the end of 2022.
By signing up, you’ll be eligible for a 50% discount on the exam for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner when you schedule your exam with PSI.* This challenge ends September 30, 2022, so sign up today to get AWS Certified before the end of 2022.
What AWS Certifications are included in the challenge?
This Challenge is designed for participants who want to earn AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.
Why should you earn an AWS Certification?
When you’re skilled, you know it. When you’re certified, everyone knows it.
You can gain new skills, demonstrate your potential, and start planning a career in the cloud. Earning AWS Certified Cloud practitioner demonstrates you have an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud. You’ll also build your credibility and confidence with the cloud skills required to innovate faster. In fact, 91% of organizations with AWS Certified staff say having that staff increases innovation with AWS services.*
*ESG Research Insights Paper Commissioned by AWS, Understanding the Value of AWS Certifications to Organizations, 2020.
You can gain new skills, demonstrate your potential, and start planning a career in the cloud. Earning AWS Certified Cloud practitioner demonstrates you have an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud. You’ll also build your credibility and confidence with the cloud skills required to innovate faster. In fact, 91% of organizations with AWS Certified staff say having that staff increases innovation with AWS services.*
*ESG Research Insights Paper Commissioned by AWS, Understanding the Value of AWS Certifications to Organizations, 2020.
Why should you join the challenge?
By joining the Get AWS Certified: Cloud Practitioner Challenge, you’ll get 50% off towards your exam, plus free training—including live interactive training on Twitch—and a recommended learning path from AWS. Know someone else who wants to get AWS Certified? Share the challenge with a friend and take the Challenge together.
Link para cadastro:
Segue também como foi a minha experiência na prova que não passei nos últimos meses:
Estou pensando em arrumar umas duas semanas para realizar a prova novamente, mas não sei se vou ter tempo, caso eu consiga, vou tentar montar um grupo de estudos pois tenho muitos materiais e cursos dessa certificação (além de me forçar a estudar pra valer).
Abraços pessoal
Tenho interesse em realizar a prova nesse mês também, Diego. Volto de férias dia 10. Já estudei parte do blueprint. Avisa se rolar o grupo de estudos, tenho interesse.